Bug#854679: Clarify license for Beneath a Steel Sky

Javier Serrano Polo javier at jasp.net
Sat Mar 10 19:39:22 UTC 2018

X-Debbugs-CC: ender at scummvm.org

El ds 10 de 03 de 2018 a les 19:54 +0100, Fabian Greffrath va escriure:
> Please don't do that for other people's addresses.

X-Debbugs-CC is meant for this purpose. If James says he is receiving
the messages through other paths, I will stop including his address.

> Since when do we need an extra confirmation from copyright holders that
> they meant the license exactly as it was written?

In this case, authors were presented a license that promises "You may
not charge a fee for the game itself", but fails to enforce it by
design. Revolution knew that, so they should not be surprised if the
game is being sold separately. However, it is not clear that other
authors were aware.

Is this a problem for Debian? Is Debian involved in any way in this
possible deception? Who assisted in the license design? Who was the
beneficiary for this license acceptance?
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