Bug#854679: Clarify license for Beneath a Steel Sky

James 'Ender' Brown ender at scummvm.org
Sat Mar 10 20:13:42 UTC 2018

> As you can see, James, my points have been repeated. Please confirm that
> game authors were not deceived by section 3 of the license.

... really? This is getting a /bit/ silly now.

Between Ansgar, myself. Simon and others I probably missed, this issue 
has been discussed in detail now.
There is nothing more to discuss - this will be my last reply on this issue.

  * The Non-Binding Preamble describes the intent of the license, and 
the authors wishes
  * Section 1 & 2 /permits/ all free distribution, and commercial 
distribution in aggregate with other software
  * Section 3 acts as a catch-all and prohibits sale - except where it 
is expressly permitted by 1 or 2.

I deny the license is 'deceptive'.

*You* (the user) have the freedom to act immorally, find a loophole and 
cheat, to intentionally ignore
the express intent of the license. This is called "obeying the letter 
but not the spirit" and has been
happening since the dawn of modern civilization:

All parties who actually have any invested stake in the license were and 
are still currently
satisfied. Until Monday, when whoever staffs info at revolution.co.uk sees 
the volume of messages
this has generated.


  - Ender
    (Fired from writing EULAS for Oracle, as he was too honest)   - *1

*1 - This is a lie, completely fictional and did not occur.

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