Bug#1020237: pokerth-data: depends on gsfonts-x11 should be replaced by fonts-urw-base35

Roland Rosenfeld roland at debian.org
Sun Sep 18 17:30:16 BST 2022

Package: pokerth-data
Version: 1.1.2-1.1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

we are currently removing the old gsfonts-x11 package and replace it
by fonts-urw-base35, which contains the real fonts (replaces gsfonts)
as well as the symlinks and fonts.scale/fonts.alias voodoo, which is
needed for using the fonts in X11.

Your binary package pokerth-data currently Depends on gsfonts-x11.
It would be a good idea to change this dependency to fonts-urw-base35
(or for backward compatibility to fonts-urw-base35 | gsfonts-x11).
For the release of bookworm this shouldn't be a problem, since we ship
a dummy package gsfonts-x11 depending on fonts-urw-base35, but it
would be a good idea to change the dependency anyway soon.


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