Bug#897980: chromium-bsu: on play mode, after the first left click, game loose focus of mouse

Charles Plessy plessy at debian.org
Mon Sep 19 04:14:43 BST 2022

Le Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 10:58:24AM +0800, Paul Wise a écrit :
> Are you using a Wayland desktop? If so, please log out and try it with
> an X11 desktop, or tell SDL to switch to using Wayland instead of X11:
> env SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland chromium-bsu

Hi Paul,

same problem here, and setting the environment variable as you showed
allowed to move the fighter while firing.

Unfortunately, the mouse movements are buggy, as sometimes they are
transiently limited in the horizontal or vertical range of the screen
that they can cover.

I can not tell if it is a separate bug or a side effect of the
workaround you proposed above.

If the environment variable setting is the correct solution for this
bug, how about changing `/usr/games/chromium-bsu/` to a script that
checks for something like `$XDG_SESSION_TYPE == 'wayland'` and
sets `SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland` accordingly if true ?

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy                         Nagahama, Yomitan, Okinawa, Japan
Tooting from work,           https://mastodon.technology/@charles_plessy
Tooting from home,                 https://framapiaf.org/@charles_plessy

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