[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Bug#865320: kopanocore FTBFS: error: expected class-name before '{' token

Mark Dufour m.dufour at kopano.com
Tue Jul 18 11:11:49 UTC 2017

hi carsten,

> > so it's not essential, but it would be nice if we could package it
> > (just some python code, plus a copy-paste of the PST parser, as we
> > need some patches on our side).
> Reminder to myself, I need to expand / adjust debian/copyright then.

please also see my previous mail about the (legal) changes since 8.1.

> Yeah, and in the end no big deal. I think we should put them all into
> kopano-utils. But I haven't done any Python packaging at all so I hope
> Guido can give some advice.

on our side we tend to put them in separate packages (well, kopano-cli goes into kopano-utils, but that's only for 8.4).

> In the python-mapi package we have included some similar stuff for MAPI*.
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-giraffe/kopanocore.git/tree/debian/python-mapi.install#n9
> Is this correct we've done that and can we do the same with the
> additional Python things from above?

yeah it's usually not much more effort I think, even less as we only need the .so stuff for python-mapi. you could also look at the kopano-backup packaging for example, which is more like the other python components. they all have the same structure. 

> BTW: We have sleekxmpp already in Debian for Python3 packaged.
> https://packages.debian.org/de/sid/python3-sleekxmpp
> Should be enough or do you need Python2 bindings?

yeah we are still on python2. working hard on python3, but that won't be working well before 8.5.

but given the sleekxmpp situation, and for other reasons as well, I would just leave out kopano-presence for now.. perhaps we could look at it again when kopano works well in general with python3?


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