[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] possible misspelled SQL query in ECDatabaseUpdate.cpp?

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Fri Jul 21 17:35:59 UTC 2017

Hello Mark,

while working on version 8.3.2 lintian is mentioning some spelling issue
about 'iff' within the library libkcserver.so.0.0.0

> kopano-libs: spelling-error-in-binary usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkcserver.so.0.0.0 iff if

If I search for a respective pattern within the source I find various
parts in line 712 - 728 in provider/libserver/ECDatabaseUpdate.cpp

> $ sed -n 712,726p provider/libserver/ECDatabaseUpdate.cpp
> 	strQuery ="SELECT s.hierarchy_id, isub.hierarchyid, ipf.hierarchyid, iff.hierarchyid FROM users AS u "
> 				"JOIN stores AS s ON s.user_id=u.id "
> 				"JOIN properties AS psub ON "
> 					"psub.tag = 0x35E0 AND psub.type = 0x102 AND psub.storeid = s.hierarchy_id " // PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID
> 				"JOIN indexedproperties AS isub ON "
> 					"isub.tag=0xFFF AND isub.val_binary = psub.val_binary "
> 				"LEFT JOIN properties AS pf ON "
> 					"pf.tag = 0x6631 AND pf.type = 0x102 AND pf.storeid = s.hierarchy_id " //PR_IPM_PUBLIC_FOLDERS_ENTRYID
> 				"LEFT JOIN indexedproperties AS ipf ON "
> 					"ipf.tag=0xFFF AND ipf.val_binary = pf.val_binary "
> 				"LEFT JOIN properties AS ff ON "
> 					"ff.tag = 0x6630 AND ff.type = 0x102 AND ff.storeid = s.hierarchy_id " //PR_IPM_FAVORITES_ENTRYID
> 				"LEFT JOIN indexedproperties AS iff ON "
> 					"iff.tag=0xFFF AND iff.val_binary = ff.val_binary "
> 				"WHERE u.object_type=4 OR u.id = 1"; // object_type=USEROBJECT_TYPE_COMPANY or id=KOPANO_UID_EVERYONE

For me this doesn't looks like a error, but it's maybe a bit misleading

Just to be safe, is my assumption correct?

Carsten Schoenert

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