[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] z-push: some signed tags missing on the repository
Carsten Schoenert
c.schoenert at t-online.de
Wed Aug 2 16:18:59 UTC 2017
Hello Roel,
Am 02.08.2017 um 09:55 schrieb Roel van Meer:
> Forgotten, indeed. As you suspected gbp is relatively new for me.
> I've added the signed tags and updated the existing one.
Yep, thanks.
>> For debian/patches, it seems you have chosen to work with quilt instead
>> of using more flexible usage of git patches by using git-buildpackage, I
>> or we wouldn't use quilt patch workflow.
> For debian/sid I'm using the gbp patch-queue now. It is indeed much easier
> than quilt.
Obviously. :)
Typical workflow is something like this.
You have a clean state in your, no changes and uncommitted stuff.
You start by importing the existing patches by running the command 'gbp
pq import'.
> carsten at x260:~/gitprojects/z-push-packaging [debian/sid] $ gbp pq import
> gbp:info: Trying to apply patches at '5f4563ca9f492589909fab0ede8af2effa2472ba'
> gbp:info: 3 patches listed in 'debian/patches/series' imported on 'patch-queue/debian/sid'
> carsten at x260:~/gitprojects/z-push-packaging [patch-queue/debian/sid] $
This creates a new branch and imports all patches and on top of the
existing source. You can now work with the typical git workflow like
cherry-picking, amending, rebasing etc.
> carsten at x260:~/gitprojects/z-push-packaging [patch-queue/debian/sid] $ git commit --amend
> [patch-queue/debian/sid 6851e9a] apache2 config: remove deprecated auth options
> Author: Roel van Meer <roel at 1afa.com>
> Date: Thu Mar 23 13:25:29 2017 +0100
> 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 8 deletions(-)
Once you have finished your work you you tell git-buildpackage to export
the current branch into separate patches that will be written into the
folder debian/patches.
> carsten at x260:~/gitprojects/z-push-packaging [patch-queue/debian/sid] $ gbp pq export
> gbp:info: On 'patch-queue/debian/sid', switching to 'debian/sid'
> carsten at x260:~/gitprojects/z-push-packaging [debian/sid] $ git status
> On branch debian/sid
> Your branch is ahead of 'origin/debian/sid' by 7 commits.
> (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
> Changes not staged for commit:
> (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
> (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
> modified: debian/patches/apache2-config-remove-deprecated-auth-options.patch
> no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
We have now some changes to debian/patches/ that needs to be committed.
I'm doing this mostly with a commit topic 'rebuild patch queue from
patch-queue branch' and some deeper explanation what and why something
has changed.
I've done this currently and simply have added some more content into
some commits of the patch queue.
> carsten at x260:~/gitprojects/z-push-packaging [debian/sid] $ git show --shortstat
> commit ab27e096eb80687cb880eeaa5c8afa06db894a38 (HEAD -> debian/sid)
> Author: Carsten Schoenert <c.schoenert at t-online.de>
> Date: Wed Aug 2 10:57:02 2017 -0400
> rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
> Just a bit of expanding some commit messages, no functional changes.
> 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
BTW: You don't need to push your local patch queue branch to the VCS,
except in some really few circumstances.
>> Lintian is currently complaining about laking some description for two
>> patches you've added.
> I've added the comments from the commit messages to the patches. I hope
> that's enough.
For now that's fine.
> Aside: how do you run lintian to get this error? I've tried to make the
> package lintian-clean, and my own lintian (2.5.52) only says:
> rolek at sid:~/git$ lintian z-push*changes
> W: z-push source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.8 (current is 4.0.0)
> N: 3 tags overridden (1 error, 2 warnings)
> It would be nice if I could see those errors as well.
I normally use the option(s) '-IE' to see all errors and informative
tags. You can also use '-iIE' that print some more explanation on the
found issues. And you can add '--pedantic' to minor and experimental
issues, but this makes only sense once you only have see minor error,
warning and info tags.
If you want to see also the overridden tags you need to add '-o' too.
More information is shown in the man page.
> One thing I don't really like myself is the way autodiscover/INSTALL is
> renamed in the rules file, but I didn't know a better way to install two
> docs with the same name.
Then we could use dh-exec for this as this brings the possibility to
rename files while installation. But the current solution isn't really
Or you add a target what will override the dh_installdocs target and do
the installation of that file.
Would look like this.
> $ git diff debian/rules
> diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
> index b5fe95a..57add72 100755
> --- a/debian/rules
> +++ b/debian/rules
> @@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ override_dh_install:
> find src -type f \( -name "*.php" \) -exec chmod 644 {} \;
> sed -e "s/DEB_VERSION/${DEB_VERSION}/" debian/version.php.in > src/version.php
> dh_install -X LICENSE
> - # Rename so we can have dh_installdocs install this with a proper name.
> - cp -a src/autodiscover/INSTALL src/autodiscover/README.autodiscover
> override_dh_fixperms:
> dh_fixperms
> @@ -29,6 +27,11 @@ override_dh_fixperms:
> chmod 755 debian/z-push-common/usr/share/z-push/z-push-top.php
> chmod 755 debian/z-push-state-sql/usr/share/z-push/tools/migrate-filestates-to-db.php
> +override_dh_installdocs:
> + dh_installdocs
> + cp -a src/autodiscover/INSTALL debian/z-push-common/usr/share/doc/z-push-common/README.autodiscover
> +
> +
> clean:
> dh_testdir
> dh_testroot
Both is possible and bit a matter of taste. For me it's important the
maintainers can get a quick overview what is happen. So I have no
special preference here.
I've added some minor commits and pushed this and your whole work for
now to my tree on GitHub.
Carsten Schoenert
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