[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] exp1 package experience

Mark Dufour m.dufour at kopano.com
Mon Dec 17 10:35:58 GMT 2018

hi carsten,

so using the 'exp1' packages from here, and testing them on unstable (so further than the actual buster release):


I can follow these steps to get to a nicely working webapp:

rm *nginx*.deb
rm *lighttp*.deb
apt install mariadb-server # needed otherwise db-config doesn't work! either hangs or 'cannot connect to unix-socket'
dpkg -i *.deb
apt -f install
cp /etc/php/7.3/apache2/mods-available/mapi.ini /etc/php/7.3/apache2/conf.d/20-mapi.ini (out of my head)
apply jsonexception.patch to /usr/share/kopano-webapp for the PHP 7.3 fix
kopano-cli -u frits --create --create-store --password frits
kopano-cli --create-store # create public-store (mounted in webapp), admittedly not super discoverable (not needed, but avoids errors in apache log, like cannot find public store)
login to webapp ^^

so this is pretty exciting to see working. some things I guess would need some love (?):

-shouldn't the db-config stuff install mariadb-server if the user wants to configure stuff? (I guess carsten you looked at this in the db-config docs as well?)
-I guess it's nice to enable mapi.ini out-of-the-box?
-might it be useful to create a test user like 'frits' above, and possibly public store, perhaps also via db-config, plus some info, so users can checkout webapp right away? (perhaps we could add such a thing later? :P) I personally really enjoy zero-configuration software (like radicale)..

thanks! cheers,

Met hartelijke groet, Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Kind regards,
Mark Dufour | Developer
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