[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] lintian clean

Daniel Kobras kobras at debian.org
Wed Jan 9 22:38:11 UTC 2008


On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 07:38:19PM -0200, Luciano Bello wrote:
> Wonderful explanation.
> Nice changes.


> Let's upload? :)

Hold on, I've just added a few more! Additionally, I
wonder why libmagick10 needs to Conflict and Replace libmagick9 (and
analogous for libmagick++10)? I'm not aware of packaging errors in
libmagick9, so the two versions should be co-installable and not require
a Conflict. What was the reason for adding these?

Also, what's your opinion on the name of the -dev packages? Should we
keep the current name of libmagick9-dev (with a Provides: libmagick-dev)
to keep the burden on the maintainers of depending packages for this
transition as low as possible, or should we rename to libmagick-dev to
avoid possible confusion?

Once those two questions are resolved, and upload to experimental should
be fine. Admittedly, I still need to do a test build, but hey, who needs
testing anyway... ;-)



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