[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#723698: imagemagick: /etc/mailcap display of image/svg+xml

Kevin Ryde user42 at zip.com.au
Thu Sep 19 08:18:44 UTC 2013

Vincent Fourmond <fourmond at gmail.com> writes:
>   * first, display isn't a good SVG viewer, because it does not care
> about the vectorial nature of SVGs

I found I had no svg mailcap view at all and thought something is better
than nothing :-).

priority=2 per the rest of the display program entries should be low

>   * second, it only displays SVG files if libmagickcore5-extra is
> installed (which is only a recommended package),

That could be handled by "test" in the mailcap, if something fast but
accurate.  I suppose asking dpkg whether fully installed state would be
most accurate, but perhaps a file check is enough

   ... && test -e /usr/share/doc/libmagickcore5-extra/copyright

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