Bug#241814: 241814: new totem.1 man page

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 241814@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 11 Apr 2004 00:59:42 +0200


Thanks for the manpage. I've some comments on it, let me know what you
think please.

> totem \- GNOME-desktop movie player based on the xine backend

totem has both xine and gstreamer backends and gstreamer one will be
soon packaged (I'm waiting on gstreamer 0.8), so it would be nice to not
focus on xine.

> The following options are standard to applications using the
> GDK and GTK+ libraries:

I'm not sure that's usefull to include that in the manpages. gtk-options
manpage describes that for all the applications.

> The following options are for Bonobo activation support
> The following are standard GNOME options:
> The following options are for session management:

Same for these, I'm not sure it's usefull to include gtk/gnome/bonobo
options to each applications ... that makes pretty long manpages and
it's not such usefull.

BTW thanks for the good work.


Sebastien Bacher