Bug#241814: 241814: new totem.1 man page

Andre Lehovich Andre Lehovich <andrel@U.Arizona.EDU>, 241814@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 10 Apr 2004 17:21:15 -0700 (MST)

On Sun, 11 Apr 2004, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> totem has both xine and gstreamer backends and gstreamer one will be
> soon packaged (I'm waiting on gstreamer 0.8), so it would be nice to not
> focus on xine.

I didn't know that.  Will both be packaged for Debian, or
just one of the two?  Does upstream plan to support both for
a while?  (I emailed Bastian last week, and he's interested
in including a man page with future releases.)

> I'm not sure that's usefull to include that in the manpages. gtk-options
> manpage describes that for all the applications.

You're right.  I didn't know about gtk-options(7) but
refering to it in SEE ALSO is better than relisting all the

> Same for these, I'm not sure it's usefull to include gtk/gnome/bonobo
> options to each applications ... that makes pretty long manpages and
> it's not such usefull.

Jochen Voss was working on a gnome-options(7) man page.  I
just pinged him about that.  We should get that written and
into one of the gnome packages, then cite it in SEE ALSO.
