Bug#241361: Te problem is in gnome-session with gnome-wm
Amit Aronovitch
Amit Aronovitch <amit_ar1@netvision.net.il>, 241361@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 23:26:07 +0300
Josselin Mouette wrote:
>Le ven 02/04/2004 =E0 17:35, Ernesto Jim=E9nez Caballero a =E9crit :
> =20
>>>>It doesn't let us to configure the selection with gconf-editor (w=
hen you
>>>>restart gnome metacity is running).
>>>> =20
>>>This wasn't possible before either.
>>> =20
>>Yeah, it was, you can run gconf-editor and change it in desktop -> =
>>-> applications -> window_manager
>>I did it in order to have sawfish running.
>> =20
>Upstreams just confirmed me that this gconf key isn't read at all in
>GNOME 2.4.
> =20
In that case, you have a docbug:
<-- quote from man gnome-wm -->
The program stores the current selection of a window manager i=
the gconf key /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default
<-- end quote -->
>>>Configuring the GNOME window manager with update-alternatives is e=
>>>that's why this is no more the case. If you want to use sawfish, j=
>>>run it instead of metacity (killall metacity; sawfish&) and save y=
>>> =20
>>It worked before upgrading gnome-session, now it doesn't
>>I do killall metacity; sawfish&
>>and change the configuration with gconf, but it still runs metacity=
>> =20
>The point is not changing the gconf key, which isn't used. You have =
>save your session when it is running sawfish. It will be restored wi=
>sawfish when you log in. My guess is that you were still running the
>default session, having it configured through update-alternatives.
> =20
Look, the point is - choosing a window manager has become frustrating=
and unintuitive - you setup update-alternatives, use gconftool (as th=
manpage says), and still you get metacity when logging in.
The way you suggest is too hackish for an environment that tries to =
user friendly and simple like Gnome.
Also it's not that simple - first you need to open the current sessio=
in the "sessions" capplet (which is hidden under the "Advanced" menu)=
and change the Style of metacity to something other than "restart" -=
otherwise gnome-session will try to resart it (and probably fail beca=
sawfish had already started - but who knows...).
It seems to me that there SHOULD be a gconf key for choosing a wm (a=
we should ask upstream for that), but if x-window-manager points to a=
"gnome-compliant wm", it should definitely take precedence over the=
hard-coded priority list (which in current gnome-wm seems to be=20
metacity, sawfish, x-window-manager).