Bug#243215: nautilus: Nautilus is not usable without gnome
j-andrieux@laposte.net, 243215-quiet@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 25 Apr 2004 16:48:34 +0200
Sebastien Bacher wrote:
>>Nautilus 2.6 cannot be used as a standalone app in other environment,
>>namely Sawfish, because of the strong runtime depency with
>>gnome-settings-daemon ...
> Hi,
> It's not really a bug, you just have to run gnome-settings-daemon.
> I think this bug should be closed. Look on bugzilla's bug report for
> some details :
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138360
> Let me know what you think about this.
> Thanks,
> Sebastien Bacher
Well, it is a bug since gnome-settings-daemon
"overcome" many users settings not only in .gtkrc
but xmodmap settings too for instance.
As this is not really a problem in gnome, this
makes nautilus impossible to be used as a
standalone app, like Rox-filer.
Jérôme Andrieux <j-andrieux@laposte.net>
dimanche 25 avril 2004
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