Bug#243215: nautilus: Nautilus is not usable without gnome
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 243215@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 25 Apr 2004 17:34:37 +0200
Le dim, 25/04/2004 =E0 16:48 +0200, J=E9r=F4me a =E9crit :
> Well, it is a bug since gnome-settings-daemon=20
> "overcome" many users settings not only in .gtkrc=20
> but xmodmap settings too for instance.
> As this is not really a problem in gnome, this=20
> makes nautilus impossible to be used as a=20
> standalone app, like Rox-filer.
Ok, this is not a bug with nautilus, but more with gnome-settings-daemon
which should not overwrite user preferences in a non-gnome environment.
I'm reassign this bug at the right place.
Sebastien Bacher