Bug#205198: This bug is STILL a problem.
Mike Mestnik
Mike Mestnik <cheako911@yahoo.com>, 205198@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 01:19:53 -0700 (PDT)
I'm using MGT as xterm and only terminal apps are effected, as I said b4.
Here is another strange thing...
echo "WRONG!!" > Spam
echo "Correct." > Spam\ Loaf.txt
Then click on any file but but Spam\ Loaf.txt.
<right-click> Open_With -> vi workes.
Then <right-click> Open_With -> vi workes, again.
Click on Spam\ Loaf.txt (Even when it is allready hilighted) and
<right-click> Open_With -> vi causes MGT to exit right away.
Also only Spam is EVER opened by vi gedit workes.
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