Bug#267993: New version
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 267993@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 25 Aug 2004 15:20:09 +0200
Le mercredi 25 ao=FBt 2004 =E0 14:49 +0200, Thomas Morin a =E9crit :
> Package: gdesklets
> Version: 0.26.2-6
> Severity: wishlist
> A new version of gdesklets has been released (0.30) and looks great : lot=
s of
> fixes, and lots of new features. If you could package it, that'd be grea=
The new version is bugged and breaks some old desklets. I'm not going to
push it into sarge so I'll wait a bit before packaging it (or perhaps
upload it to experimental soon).
Sebastien Bacher