Bug#272337: marked as done (Dia forgets options)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:18:28 -0800
Your message dated Mon, 13 Dec 2004 17:07:56 +0100
with message-id <1102954076.5618.4.camel@localhost>
and subject line Bug#272337: Dia forgets options
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Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 05:22:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Beat Fasel <beat_fasel@yahoo.com>
Subject: Dia forgets options
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Package: dia
Version: 0.94
Severity: normal
Distribution: testing (sarge)
In the Preferences of dia, one can choose under the
"User Interface" tab the point "Use menu bar" and
"Keep tool box on top of diagramm windows". However,
on my machines, the chosen items work only for the
current session. I.e. if dia is started newly, the
previously activated options are not active anymore.
Thanks a lot for your contribution to the Debian
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Subject: Re: Bug#272337: Dia forgets options
From: Roland Stigge <stigge@antcom.de>
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On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 07:33 -0800, Beat Fasel wrote:
> Sure! I just tested Dia again under KDE (3.2.3)
> currently in Sarge. First I still got some errors on
> the command prompt and the menus didn't always stay on
> top after restarting the program. After I deleted the
> .kde directory in my account and let KDE reacreate it,
> everything works perfectly now for me. You can close
> this bug!
OK, done.