Bug#227501: acknowledged by developer (Re: suddenly ignores .gnome2/rhythmbox/iradio-2.2.xml content)
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 227501@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 18 Jan 2004 19:21:00 +0100
Martin-Éric Racine <q-funk@pp.fishpool.fi> writes:
>> So after the upgrade all the lists were empty (music and radios) ?
> Yup.
Ok, so after talking with walters I've some details.
If :
- there is no "~/.gnome/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml"
- the "/apps/rhythmbox/first_time_flag" gconf key is unset
Then rhythmbox parse library-2.1.xml and iradio-2.2.xml to generate the
rhythmdb.xml file. That should happen only the first time where rb is
launched after the upgrade.
Have you had some crashs with rb 0.6 (maybe a crash has broken the
You can perhaps test by removing rhythmdb.xml, unsetting the gconf key
and launching rhythmbox after that to see if the new file is ok ?
Sebastien Bacher