Bug#246986: gnome-panel: Several applets died at once
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 246986@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 16:22:26 +0200
Le dim, 02/05/2004 =E0 22:51 +0600, Victor Porton a =E9crit :
> There was some problem with Modem Lights applet (well, actually with pppd=
> I've typed "poff" to remove hanging pppd. Then Modem Lights applet crashe=
> Together with it crashed all applets which was at right (have greated
> x-coordinate) applets on the panel.
Seems to be a bonobo crash. How often does it happens ? Each time you
type poff ? Could you test if you still have the problem ?
Sebastien Bacher