Bug#246986: gnome-panel: Several applets died at once
Victor Porton
Victor Porton <porton@ex-code.com>, 246986@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 23:13:03 +0600 (YEKST)
On 06-Jul-2004 Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le dim, 02/05/2004 à 22:51 +0600, Victor Porton a écrit :
>> There was some problem with Modem Lights applet (well, actually with
>> pppd).
>> I've typed "poff" to remove hanging pppd. Then Modem Lights applet
>> crashed.
>> Together with it crashed all applets which was at right (have greated
>> x-coordinate) applets on the panel.
> Seems to be a bonobo crash. How often does it happens ? Each time you
> type poff ? Could you test if you still have the problem ?
Each time when pppd hangs (pppd's bug AND I type poff).
But only when pppd is started with the Modem Lights' "Connect" button.
I configure this button to invoke "pon &" (or just "pon"? I don't remember)
what is probably the same as "pppd call isp &".
Victor Porton (porton@ex-code.com)
http://ex-code.com - software company, custom software for low price
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