Bug#253225: gnome-panel: windowlist applet vanishes and
re-appears consistently
Adar Dembo
Adar Dembo <adar@stanford.edu>, 253225@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 13:43:54 -0700
I'd like to suggest another perspective, since this bug has not been
closed yet. It is clear that the bug is present only while using the them=
that I'm using. But perhaps the root is because my theme does not fill up
the window list as much as a different theme would, that is, each app ent=
leaves some gap above, below, and in the corners of the panel. Perhaps th=
bug is then not handling this case: unhandled behavior for when the theme
does not fill the window list properly. Should the window list really
temporarily hide entries on such a click? Or should it just do nothing? I=
leaning towards nothing.
Quoting Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>:
> Le lun, 28/06/2004 =E0 14:31 -0700, Adar Dembo a =E9crit :
> > Let me know if you need any additional information.
> Hi,
> Which GTK+ theme are you using ? Do you have the same problem with othe=
> themes ?=20
> Thanks,
> Sebastien Bacher