Bug#251953: gnome-settings-daemon not in default PATH
Marcelo E. Magallon
"Marcelo E. Magallon" <mmagallo@debian.org>, 251953@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 31 May 2004 18:49:32 -0600
Hi Sebastien,
On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 11:21:24PM +0200, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> I strongly disagree with the severity, this move is not accidental,
> that's an upstream decision. I'm not sure of the reason for this ...
With all due respect, I don't care if you "strongly disagree" or
"slightly disagree" or whatever. I'm stating that this bug affects the
behaviour of unrelated applications (including but not limited to
making them behave inconsistently with respect to other applications --
an this is, by the very intention of the HIG, a severe bug) and that's
by _our_ definition of bug severities a critical bug.
> BTW your bug is not in control-center but in epiphany (if epiphany
> need the settings-daemon it should do what's needed to use it).
I agree with you. But the retarded design of this particular GNOME
component doesn't seem to leave much room to the developer. By design
the application should not try to start gnome-settings-daemon. The
application can ask for the information it wants, and if it can't
obtain it, it can gracefully fail. Epiphany does this. The problem is
"gracefully fail" means -- in this context -- "just use default
values". As you probably know GNOME takes pride in the fact that their
default values are "good defaults". Irrespective of how good these
defaults are, these _are_ _not_ the values I have set.
So no, the bug I'm reporting in the package that contains
gnome-settings-daemon. What I'm reporting is that it should not just
disappear and I have no intention of chasing this thing around. If you
give me a portable and change-resilient way of finding _where_ this
application is to be found I'll gladly agree to close to the bug. I
see none right now.
> There is no reason to block gnome2.6 for this
Yes, there is. An upgrade will break people's systems without a good
technical reason for doing so.
> and this bug could take month to go nowhere since upstreams have
> probably moved it for a reason ...
You don't have to wait for upstream to understand that the made a
mistake. Just put a symlink in the package in the meanwhile. If
upstream has a good reason for this change go and find which one it is.
> I'm changing the severity to normal.
No, you are not.