Bug#251953: gnome-settings-daemon not in default PATH
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 251953@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 01 Jun 2004 08:29:38 +0200
Le lun, 31/05/2004 =E0 18:49 -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon a =E9crit :
> "slightly disagree" or whatever. I'm stating that this bug affects the
> behaviour of unrelated applications
If these apps have a broken design it's not the control-center fault
After ready some bug reports on bugzilla the reason of the move seems to
be "settings-daemon is not an user program and has nothing to do
in /usr/bin" ... and that makes sense, a standard gnome user doesn't
need to know what the settings-daemon is and to have it in his path. If
you want to use it just hit the entire path.
> default values are "good defaults". Irrespective of how good these
> defaults are, these _are_ _not_ the values I have set.
We can't support all the bad hacks from users. If you use gnome it "just
work". It's the same with the new xfce.
> gnome-settings-daemon. What I'm reporting is that it should not just
> disappear and I have no intention of chasing this thing around. If you
> give me a portable and change-resilient way of finding _where_ this
> application is to be found I'll gladly agree to close to the bug. I
> see none right now.
The settings-daemon has been moved out of the path because it's not an
user apps, it's in /usr/lib/control-center/ and will stay here.
> Yes, there is. An upgrade will break people's systems without a good
> technical reason for doing so.
It will break some bad hacks. As said before we can't support all user
hacks. It'll not break any gnome session ...
> You don't have to wait for upstream to understand that the made a
> mistake. Just put a symlink in the package in the meanwhile. If
> upstream has a good reason for this change go and find which one it is.
It's not an user app, no reason to pollute the path with it.
Sebastien Bacher