Bug#251689: Spatial Nautilus forgets window position and size

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 251689@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 05 Jun 2004 22:27:25 +0200

Le dim, 30/05/2004 =E0 11:33 +0200, B. Janssen a =E9crit :

> Nautilus forgets window size and position after closing a window. E. g.=20
> open a folder named "A" and adjust size and position. Close A and reopen=20
> it, all settings have been lost. Instead the windows are positioned=20
> "smart", that is, next to each other without overlapping.


That's the first time this bug is reported. Could you check with
nautilus 2.6.2 if the bug is still here ? Do you still have some free
space on your disk ?


Sebastien Bacher