Bug#251051: nautilus: ftp should not do LIST -l
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 251051@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 05 Jun 2004 22:41:29 +0200
Le mer, 26/05/2004 =E0 17:58 +0200, David N. Welton a =E9crit :
> I'm working with an ftp server that is somewhat limited in ability,
> and I tried to use nautilus with it. Nautilus is unusable because it
> always attempts to perform a 'LIST -L' to get a directory listing.
I don't know how to test this, so could you you test if this bug is
still here with nautilus 2.6 ? Could you provide an url to make
reproduce the problem ?
Sebastien Bacher