Bug#251727: Using ESD backend, the sound output just disappears

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 251727@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 06 Jun 2004 19:30:35 +0200

Le dim, 06/06/2004 =E0 17:14 +0100, Sam Halliday a =E9crit :

> > > using the esd backend for gstreamer, sometimes there is just no sound=

The original bug report was speaking about esd backend ....

> ALSA lib pcm.c:824:(snd_pcm_sw_params) snd_pcm_sw_params: params->avail_m=
> problem for start_threshold
> ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to play.

alsa ?

> but it works if i use the OSS or ESD plugins. (and the file plays through=
> if i use another ALSA-using app, such as ogg123)

So it works with esd now ? Could you test the gst-launch-0.8 command
with esdsink/osssink/alsasink ?

> do you need any more info than this?

Just which soundcard you are using ?


Sebastien Bacher