Bug#253125: nautilus-media: gst-thumbnail does not work properly
Johannes Rohr
Johannes Rohr <j.rohr@comlink.org>, 253125@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 07 Jun 2004 14:36:05 +0200
Am So, den 06.06.2004 um 20:18 Uhr +0300 schrieb Vaidotas Zemlys:
> Package: nautilus-media
> Version: 0.8.0-2
> Severity: normal
> Tags: sid
> gst-thumbnail does not create thumbnails for some video files, which are
> played by gst-player and totem,
What file types are these?
> and the ones it creates are very large
> compared to thumbnails created by totem-video-thumbnailer.
Can you give an example for that?
> This results
> in nautilus displaying unthumbnailed video files.
Sorry, I don't understand. Do you mean to say that nautilus uses a
generic icon instead of a thumbnail?
Generally I would recommend to use totem if it is installed.
(dpkg-reconfigure totem)
gstreamer still has a long way to go.