Bug#253466: Gnome vs GNOME inconsistency
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 253466@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 21:29:19 +0200
Le dim, 06/06/2004 =E0 20:55 -0300, Martin Michlmayr a =E9crit :
> I was wondering if this should be "Gnome 2" (or "GNOME 2") instead,
Good remark. I've just talked about this on IRC with jdub and some other
guys on #gnome-debian, the right form is "GNOME"/"GNOME 2". I'll mail
gtk-gnome about this now.
Thanks for having raised the issue.
Sebastien Bacher