Bug#255518: gnome-panel: No applets load; existing applets forced
to be deleted
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 255518@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 21 Jun 2004 17:28:59 +0200
Le lun, 21/06/2004 =E0 11:08 -0400, Amelia A Lewis a =E9crit :
> All my applets are gone. On startup, I got an error dialog: "The panel
> encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID: blah_blah". Details: Unknown
> CORBA exception id: 'IDL:omg.org/CORBA/INV_OBJREF:1.0' =20
Could you try to "rm /tmp/orbit-your_user -rf" and restart GNOME ?
Sebastien Bacher