Bug#255518: gnome-panel: No applets load; existing applets forced to be deleted

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 255518@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 21 Jun 2004 17:50:26 +0200

Le lun, 21/06/2004 =E0 11:36 -0400, Amelia A Lewis a =E9crit :

> Hmm.  Looking at the content of the directory (after I'd gotten things
> fixed), I see it's got a bonobo activation server.

So the problem is fixed ? Yes, it's related to bonobo

> Best guess: this process isn't correctly stopped, even when upgrading in
> console mode,=20

Yes, apparently this bonobo upgrade was not fine but we can't hardly do
something better since closing all the bonobo components would mean
close all stuffs related to bonobo in the running desktops (ie: all the
gnome-terminal) ...=20

BTW this problem has already reported and this bug is a dup, so I would
like to close it if it's ok with you.


Sebastien Bacher