Bug#233561: scrollkeeper-update -q segfaults banished
Loïc Minier
Loïc Minier ,
Sun, 14 Nov 2004 11:12:42 +0100
reassign 233561 libxml2
severity 233561 critical
close 233561
merge 279040 233561
[ please Cc: your bug report for other people to read ]
jared jennings <jjenning@fastmail.fm> - Sat, Nov 13, 2004:
> all of these posters had libxml2 2.6.15-1. i might have had it at the
> time of the bug
let's say you had the same bug since you can't reproduce it. if you
reproduce it later, file a new bug.
Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>