Bug#282281: kde: KDE applications take over Gnome file types

Adeodato Simó Adeodato Simó , 282281@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 21 Nov 2004 03:42:00 +0100

> >  default to kde apps), I'm reassigning this bug to gnome (as agreed on
> >  IRC). you may write to 282281@bugs.debian.org and give your further
> >  opinios there.

  please send your mails to 282281@bugs.debian.org, that way other
  interested developers can read you too.

> Thanks for looking into it.  I still don't see why KDE adds
> its applications to the list of Gnome mime types and handlers.

  mmm, it's not 'the Gnome list of mime types and handlers'. is a
  *global* list meant to be used by all standards-compliant desktop

  if you log into kde, and right click on an mp3 file, you'll see you
  can 'Open with...' Rhythmbox too.

> It seems to me there is some over-eager "merging" of the two
> desktops going on.  Either I want to run KDE or Gnome; running both
> is confusing.

  well, sometimes you want to use a non-gnome application. for example,
  *cough* k3b. (I hear there are some amarok gnome fans too ;-)

> While you may want assign this to Gnome, it is a problem for KDE:
> until it gets fixed, I can't install KDE on any machine where there
> are Gnome users because it just gets too confusing.

  note that the reverse is not true, that is, having gnome installed
  does not confuse kde (afaict). why?, because kde gives *by default*
  priority to kde applications, so that the result is consistent. the
  defaults can be overriden if the user wishes so, of course.

  so, although the "solution" to your problem is not installing kde,
  please just note that KDE is not stepping over Gnome, just following
  the accepted standard.


Adeodato Simó
    EM: asp16 [ykwim] alu.ua.es | PK: DA6AE621
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then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
                -- Fred Allen