Bug#282165: gnome-desktop-environment: please consider putting
gnome-games as a Recommends or Suggests, not as a Depends
Rogério Brito
Rogério Brito ,
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 04:23:02 -0200
Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> Em Sáb, 2004-11-20 às 19:09 +0100, Sebastien Bacher escreveu:
>>I don't think it's a good idea. Some people probable don't want
>>evolution, some others not nautilus or gcalctool, or gedit , ...
>>We have a meta package with the official desktop and one with a complet=
>>desktop that's enough. If you don't agree with the content of the meta
>>package you should just not use them.
Sorry for the late reply, but I had some nasty personal problems.
Anyway, my idea of not installing the games would be to make some small
office installs a bit leaner, while still using Gnome.
I would think that putting gnome-games as a recommends of
gnome-desktop-enviornment wouldn't be such a bad compromise, then.
Or would it? The machines where I would install Linux have very little
HD space and are a bit old. Saving resources would be nice, while still
having Gnome installed.
> Or use equivs to fullfill the dependency manually.
IMVH and (admittedly) uninformed opinion, equivs is a dirty hack.
Thanks for your work with Gnome, Rogério Brito.
Rogério Brito - rbrito@ime.usp.br - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito