Bug#255817: another plea for xine support in rhythmbox
Joey Hess
Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>, 255817@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 9 Oct 2004 06:37:42 -0400
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Hmm, I'm suprised to see these two requests for xine backend support
have langushed in the bts for a long time without even discussion. Let
me add my plea.
Rhythmbox is unusable on my 900 mhz crusoe, because the cpu frequency
scaling confuses gstreamer. I describe the problem in some detail on
this page:
I don't understand the gstreamer problem well enough to even have filed
a bug on it yet, but I rebuilt the debian rhythmbox package with the
xine backend, and it works great, no more problems.
If it would help, since I will have to be maintaining my own debs of
rhythmbox until this bug is fixed, I could certianly come up with a
patch to add xine support. I don't know if a separate package, or
hacking rhythmbox to link both and switch at runtime would be a better
approach, let me know what you'd like and I will work on it.
see shy jo
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