Bug#255817: another plea for xine support in rhythmbox
Joey Hess
Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>, 255817@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 9 Oct 2004 13:03:12 -0400
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Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le samedi 09 octobre 2004 =E0 06:37 -0400, Joey Hess a =E9crit :
> > Hmm, I'm suprised to see these two requests for xine backend support
> > have langushed in the bts for a long time without even discussion.
> Hi,
> The audio support in gstreamer is quite good at this point and want we
> want is track and fix the problems rather than running away with xine.=20
> I've just talked with a gstreamer/rhythmbox hacker who says that
> apparently upstream have not heard about this problem before and that
> you should report the issue upstream.
> > I don't understand the gstreamer problem well enough to even have filed
> > a bug on it yet
> Just file it with the current informations, they will ask for details if
> needed.
> > approach, let me know what you'd like and I will work on it.
> I would like to get the problem reported upstream to start, let's see if
> they can fix it.
I'll file a bug, but even if this bug were fixed, gstreamer uses 3x the
cpu of the xine backend, which means 3x the power. I was very relictant
to switch to a music player that needed such a lot of cpu power, and the
xine backend brought it back down into line with xmms or ogg123. I
don't see the harm in offering it as an option in debian, I found
prepackaged rpms of it.
see shy jo
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