Bug#210490: libgtk2.0-0: Can't use Compose with AltGr keys
Roland Mas
Roland Mas <lolando@debian.org>, 210490@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 20:16:23 +0200
Loïc Minier, 2004-10-15 19:16:18 +0200 :
> severity 210490 minor
Hm. Not that minor, really, from my point of view. Keeps people from
typing useful characters: À mainly for me, but also ¹ and ³, obtained
by Compose-^-1 and Compose-^-3, and other grave-accented letters that
don't have keys on their own (for typing Spanish or Italian, for
> I confirm this with current GTK with french keyboard configuration.
> I've reported the problem upstream, but I really don't know wether
> the Cedilla input method is meant to support that.
If it is not, maybe Gtk should default to using another input method
that doesn't suck? Besides, I can also see the bug in Firefox, where
I haven't been able to find how to change the input method.
I've read upstream's reaction, and I suggest telling Owen Taylor
that à also comes in an uppercase À version, which doesn't have its
own key on French keyboards.
Roland Mas
Sauvez les castors, tuez les bûcherons.