Bug#269787: manpage improvements ?
Andrew Lau
Andrew Lau <netsnipe@users.sourceforge.net>, 269787@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 4 Sep 2004 00:42:03 +1000
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On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 03:40:58PM +0200, Siward de Groot wrote:
> Package: balsa
> Version: 2.0.17-2
> Severity: minor
> Title : manpage improvements ?
> balsa::help::about :
> The Balsa email client is part of the GNOME desktop =20
> environment.
> * i am not using gnome desktop, but i am using balsa,
> so maybe word 'suite' should be in here somewhere ?
Well the GNOME website seems to use both terms interchangeably.
> If you need to report bugs, please do so at:
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ * not use debian's bts ?
There's no difference really. If there's a bug I can't handle it gets
forwarded upstream anyway. Reporting bugs via Bugzilla (and bug-buddy)
reduces the turn-around time if the bug in question isn't a Debian
packaging problem.
> balsa::help::contents :
> * clicking it does nothing, statusbar says nothing about it,
> pressing F1 gives same result
Do you have the yelp package installed? It is the GNOME Help browser. I
may have to include a dependency/suggest for it in future.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> man balsa :
> * this is not a synopsis (see dict synopsis).
> although word 'synopsis' is used in many manpages,
> it is a bit too much to expect of newbie users to be able to
> use a syntax-description as a synopsis.
> maybe s/synopsis/syntax/i ?
It's a convention nevertheless. Yelp provides the friendlier help.
> * format is not easy to read,
> in my local form, it currently looks like :
> balsa \
> [ --help ] \
> [ --version ] \
> [ -c | --checkmail ] \
> [ (-m | --compose=3D)(<user>@<host>.<tld>|<url>) ] \
> [ (-a | --attach=3D)<filename> ] \
> [ (-o | --open-mailbox=3D)<mailbox>[:<mailbox>]... ] \
> [ -u | --open-unread-mailbox ] \
> [ -d | --debug-pop ]
> maybe you like this format too ?
That's also a manpage convention. Traditionally, options are placed on
separate lines when they can only be used mutually exclusive from each
> Balsa is an e-mail reader.
> * it is also a writer.
> (if 'e-mail reader' is a generic term for a mua,
> then please disregard this remark)
Good point. "e-mail client" perhaps?
> This client is part of GNOME desktop environment.
> * same as in helptext
> * inexperienced newbies might not understand short word 'client' here.
> is it really necessary or otherwise desirable ?
I believe the term client is widespread enough not to cause confusion.
> For help on using Balsa,
> see program documentation in help menu.
> * not available, as noted above
> * in my local copy, i have added packagedescription from
> http://packages.debian.org/testing/gnome/balsa
> -m --compose=3DUSER@HOST.TLD
> When invoked with this option, balsa
> open a new message with specified address in To: field.
> Parameter can be specified also in URL format,
> it makes it possible to use balsa as mailto protocol handler
> by setting mailto protocol command to balsa -m "%s"
> in URL handlers section of GNOME control center.
> * what is tld ?
Top level domain. e.g. .com, .org, .net, .au, .uk
I can see how that might be confusing to some newbies.
> * url form of command is not shown in syntaxdescription
"URL handlers section of GNOME control center." should be probably be
replaced with "the Preferred Applications section of the GNOME Control
> -o --open-mailbox=3DMAILBOX
> Makes Balsa open specified mailbox(es) at startup.
> Multiple mailboxes are delimited by semicolons.
> * possibility of multiple arguments is not shown in syntaxdescription
> Any bugs found should be reported to Balsa Developer mailing list
> * (again) not use bts ?
> Before reporting bugs,
> please check if bug is mentioned in FAQ's or mailing list archive.
> * not check bugs in debian's bts? not use reportbug?
> See section on Other Info for locations of these.
> * where can i find that section ?
> See AUTHORS file included with Balsa,
> probably at /usr/share/doc/balsa-2.0.17/AUTHORS
> * actually at /usr/share/doc/balsa/AUTHORS
Siward is right. Balsa's Makefiles long stopped appending a version
number to the documentation subdirectory.
> Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute
> this software and its documentation
> for any purpose and without fee
> is hereby granted,
> * 'without fee' restriction looks technically nonfree to me,
> as it seems to forbid redistribution-for-a-fee ;
> maybe ask upstream to be clearer about it ?
A consensus was reached years ago that "without fee" meant without a fee
(royalty) to the author (copyright holder).
Thanks for the comments. I've forwarded the rest to upstream for their
Yours sincerely,
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau <http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~alau/>
Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer & UNSW Computing Students' Society President
"Nobody expects the Debian Inquisition!
Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency!"
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