2004-September Archives by Author
Starting: Wed Sep 1 08:25:52 2004
Ending: Fri Oct 1 01:33:17 2004
Messages: 639
- Bug#248449: gnome keyboard "take a break" starts while watching a
=?utf-8?q?Marc_Dequ=C3=A8nes?= (Duck)
- Bug#272061: gnome-panel: [clock applet] not seeing evolution
=?utf-8?q?Marc_Dequ=C3=A8nes?= (Duck)
- Bug#272777: [IPOT] clock applet calendar opens evolution at the
current date rather than the selected one
=?utf-8?q?Marc_Dequ=C3=A8nes?= (Duck)
- Bug#267288: Fixed in upload of gedit 2.7.92-1 to experimental
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#270130: glade-doc-2: Cannot read documentation
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#270131: glade-doc-2: Add Help > Manual menu item to view docs
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#270192: gail_1.6.6-2(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: requires files
outside of build tree.
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#270443: librsvg2-common: unable to upgrade to 2.7.2-5
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#270443: librsvg2-common: unable to upgrade to 2.7.2-5
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#270826: /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default doesn't work with samba
"winbind use default domain = Yes" option
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#271409: libgail17: locale files in common package ?
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#272816: Dependencies not satisfiable in sid
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#273061: gnome: Gnome file dialog got unusable with keyboard
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#273491: Documentation not accessible through devhelp
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#273495: Documentation not accessible through devhelp
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
- Bug#266083: capplets: Volume up/down takes 100% CPU and does nothing
Arnaud Patard (Rtp)
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Arnaud Patard (Rtp)
- Bug#266083: capplets: Volume up/down takes 100% CPU and does nothing
Arnaud Patard (Rtp)
- Bug#271550: nautilus-cd-burner: does not handle fifos in a
suitable way
Jens Thiele (karme)
- Bug#272208: xserver-xfree86: Problem using Mod4 modifier in Metacity and Openbox
- Bug#269306: Steps to reproduce
- Bug#272914: Woops sorry for the dupe
Vincent =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Cr=E9vot?=
- Bug#272350: nautilus: Nautilus 2.8.0-1 uses "View as CVS" as
default in all the dirs
- Bug#269474: nautilus: Nautilus hangs with folders containign
postscript *.ps files
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
- Bug#268326: reassigned to libgtk2.0-0
- Bug#268581: reassigned to libgtk2.0-0
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
- Dr.Johnson
- Accepted gnome-panel 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
- Fixed in upload of gnome-panel 2.8.0-1 to experimental
- Accepted gnome-applets 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
- Fixed in upload of gnome-applets 2.8.0-1 to experimental
- Accepted control-center 1:2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
- Fixed in upload of control-center 1:2.8.0-1 to experimental
- Accepted gnome-panel 2.8.0-2 (i386 source all)
- Fixed in upload of gnome-panel 2.8.0-2 to experimental
- Bug#273778: gweather: WRT Bug #249384 (now archived) - SOCKS
confirmed as still not working in current version
- Bug#272544: libbonobo2-common: bonobo-activation-server does not
exit at end of session
- Processing of rhythmbox_0.8.6-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of rhythmbox_0.8.7-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Bug#273796: libgtk2.0-0: SIGSEGV in _gtk_file_system_model_get_info
Max Alekseyev
- Bug#271724: gnome-system-tools: services-admin assumes RH style
rc?.d assignment
Osamu Aoki
- Bug#271726: gnome-system-tools: /etc/rcS.d/* linked scripts are
best kept out from the displayed list for services-admin
Osamu Aoki
- Bug#262487: gnome-panel: All console apps can not be run now.
Osamu Aoki
- Bug#267091: sound-juicer Optical Drive Detection Workaround
James Ascroft-Leigh
- Bug#266536: Update
Stuart Auchterlonie
- Bug#269429: sound volume key shortcuts crash gnome-settings-daemon
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#269429: sound volume key shortcuts crashgnome-settings-daemon
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#269429: sound volume keyshortcutscrashgnome-settings-daemon
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted gnome-vfs2 2.6.2-2 (i386 source)
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted gail 1.6.6b-1 (i386 source all)
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#270222: Use update-alternatives facility (totem patch)
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#270747: file-roller does not work properly with unrar
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#270904: gnome depends on gnome-office
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#270967: gconf2 try's to remove /etc completely when purging
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#270967: gconf2 try's to remove /etc completely when purging
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#270967: gconf2 try's to remove /etc completely when purging
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#270985: totem should depend on totem-gstreamer as well
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#270904: gnome depends on gnome-office
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#271301: gksu: bad handling of command line arguments
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted at-spi 1.5.4-2 (i386 source all)
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted eel2 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted nautilus 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted gnome-cups-manager 0.25-1 (i386 source)
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted gtk+2.0 2.4.9-2 (i386 source all)
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted totem 0.99.16-1 (i386 source all)
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted metacity 1:2.8.5-2 (i386 source)
Sebastien Bacher
- Fixed in upload of metacity 1:2.8.5-2 to experimental
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#272166: vulnerable to holes fixed by DSA-549-1
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#264957: file-roller: Does not properly extract files with
special characters in their filenames from .tar.gz files
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#255232: file-roller: File-Roller appears in the wrong GNOME Menu?
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#261380: gnome-system-monitor: diskspace error on sparc64
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#272095: Metacity fail to install because it can't find
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#272263: totem: asf/wmv could not be played
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted gtk+2.0 2.4.10-1 (i386 source all)
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#261380: gnome-system-monitor: diskspace error on sparc64
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#272478: libglib2.0-0: Shouldn't require to set
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#272478: libglib2.0-0: Shouldn't require to set
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted gnome-cups-manager 0.25-2 (i386 source)
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#271691: gdesklets: dependency info
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted nautilus 2.6.3b-4 (i386 source all)
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#273096: gedit crashes while saving
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#271691: .gnome2/session-manual file
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#271691: .gnome2/session-manual file
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#273999: gnome-terminal: Command line is trashed with
colorized prompt
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#273999: Command line is trashed with colorized prompt
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#274008: Package: libgtk2.0-bin Version: 2.4.9-1
Sebastien Bacher
- Accepted gnome-session 2.8.0-1 (i386 source)
Sebastien Bacher
- Bug#269488: gnome-icon-theme: file conflict with kdebase package
Shaddy Baddah
- Bug#272921: 55gnome-session_gnomerc doesn't work when
gnome-session is run with arguments
Andrei Badea
- Bug#270747: file-roller does not work properly with unrar
Jeff Bailey
- Bug#261031: Updated translation for spatial browsing option
Michael Banck
- Bug#274027: gconf2: FTFBS on hurd-i386: Unconditional use of
system limits not mandated by POSIX
Michael Banck
- Bug#270810: capplets: us_intl is deprecated in XFree86
Denis Barbier
- Bug#270810: capplets: gnome-keyboard-properties does not load us_intl
Denis Barbier
- Bug#271259: Bug#259740: xlibs: Windows key no longer treated as
modifer,just as Super_L
Denis Barbier
- Reassign to xlibs
Denis Barbier
- Bug#306411: gnome-mag: doesnt even start
Fionn Behrens
- Bug#270373: gdm should depend on xterm (not in alternative group)
Jay Berkenbilt
- Bug#270374: /etc/gdm/Xsession should use x-terminal-emulator, not
Jay Berkenbilt
- Bug#243663: Same here
Manuel Bilderbeek
- Bug#270725: nautilus: Removal of Nautilus doesn't restore background
Manuel Bilderbeek
- Bug#269403: mozilla-bonobo: can only see the first page of a PDF file
Laurent Bonnaud
- Bug#270880: gnome-utils: invalid OMF file
Laurent Bonnaud
- Bug#270881: balsa: please recompile with a more recent libgtkhtml
Laurent Bonnaud
- Bug#273289: please do not report bugs like this
Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
- Bug#272776: multiload-appets makes splashscreen hang
Joachim Breitner
- Bug#272895: battstat-applet2: should have an transparent background
Thomas Breitner
- Accepted gnome-netstatus 2.8.0-1 (i386 source)
Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
- Accepted gnome-themes 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
- Bug#274013: gconf2: update-alternatives gconftool slave link
(manpage) not set
Floris Bruynooghe
- Bug#271691: gnome-session doesn't start gdesklets 0.30
Darius Bundrent
- Bug#272852: totem: can't fulfill the build dependencies in sarge
Adrian Bunk
- Bug#273735: epiphany-extensions: con't fulfill the build
dependencies in sarge
Adrian Bunk
- Bug#260527: Can't input anything to gdm
Andrew Burton
- Accepted loudmouth 0.17.1-1 (i386 source)
Ross Burton
- Accepted gossip 0.7.8-1 (i386 source)
Ross Burton
- Bug#270585: /usr/lib/control-center/gnome-settings-daemon:
gnome-settings-deamon run outside gnome clobbers things
Ross Burton
- Bug#271405: complains about being unable to start task bar icon
on fresh sarge install
Ross Burton
- Bug#271405: gnome-cups-manager on arm build
Ross Burton
- Accepted libgnomecups 0.1.12-1 (i386 source)
Ross Burton
- Bug#271625: annoying behavior of the file chooser in save mode
Damien Caliste
- Bug#273041: gnome-cpufreq-applet: fails to notice CPU speed change
Carlos Garcia Campos
- Bug#273633: gnomemeeting: No usable audio manager detected (#264805)
Luca Capello
- Bug#273633: gnomemeeting: No usable audio manager detected (#264805)
Luca Capello
- Bug#266083: capplets: Volume change -> SegFault
Devin Carraway
- Bug#264696: Gives invalid -c parameter to unrar
Zack Cerza
- Bug#271567: gnome-session: gksu programs block the session startup
Christophe Combelles
- Bug#271567: gnome-session: gksu programs block the session startup
Christophe Combelles
- Bug#271937: Please add Italian debconf translation
Valentina Commissari
- Bug#270585: /usr/lib/control-center/gnome-settings-daemon:
gnome-settings-deamon run outside gnome clobbers things
Tim Connors
- Bug#257639: rhythmbox: Radio does not work
Mark Cooke
- Bug#272965: gksu: Current version uninstallable
Patrick Cornelissen
- Bug#274008: Package: libgtk2.0-bin Version: 2.4.9-1
Remo Costantin
- Bug#270007: gdm: cannot start gdmchooser
Joel Cross
- Bug#271691: gdesklets: dependency info
- Bug#271691: .gnome2/session-manual file
- Bug#271691: panel notification area
- Bug#271691: .gnome2/session-manual file
- Bug#271691: .gnome2/session-manual file
- Bug#253362: Related to 'gnome-terminal' size?
- Bug#273625: dia-gnome: GUI font problem, fonts sometimes are
redered weird.
Eike Dehling
- Bug#261380:
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Beno=EEt?= Dejean
- Bug#273999: gnome-terminal: Command line is trashed with
colorized prompt
Cedric Delfosse
- Bug#273030: dia: Incorrect font size in EPS export
Akim Demaille
- Bug#246251: quickcam driver needs doublebuffer compatibility mode
Matthew Dempsky
- Bug#272914: fails to play MS ASF video files
- To Reid's Shop Customers!
Henry Doss
- Bug#269335: epiphany-browser: epiphany crashes reproducably on
Edd Dumbill
- Bug#247920: fixed upstream
Edd Dumbill
- Bug#271582: epiphany-browser: Please, don't make it depend of
Edd Dumbill
- Bug#270828: epiphany-browser: titles in <a> shown not correctly
Edd Dumbill
- Bug#270828: epiphany-browser: titles in <a> shown not correctly
-> mozilla
Edd Dumbill
- Bug#273927: epiphany-browser: bookmark editor needs option to
remove bookmark from current topic
Edd Dumbill
- Bug#261380: more info
Daniel van Eeden
- Bug#261380:
Daniel van Eeden
- Bug#273498: Rhythmbox won't playback on ICE1712 card
Thomas Eriksson
- Bug#270967: gconf2 try's to remove /etc completely when purging
Klaus Ethgen
- Bug#270967: gconf2 try's to remove /etc completely when purging
Klaus Ethgen
- Bug#270967: gconf2 try's to remove /etc completely when purging
Klaus Ethgen
- Bug#271254: Fix.
- Bug#272337: Dia forgets options
Beat Fasel
- Bug#272337: Dia forgets options
Beat Fasel
- Bug#272337: Dia forgets options
Beat Fasel
- Bug#270245: rhythmbox: doesn't interact well with firefox
Alexandre Fayolle
- Bug#273630: nautilus: crashes at startup on my alphastation
Alexandre Fayolle
- Bug#273556: gnome-games: typos in "bakers game" documentation
J. Bruce Fields
- Bug#273584: totem-xine: totem window doesn't allow shrinking from
initial size
J. Bruce Fields
- Bug#271254: libatk1.0-doc: cannot create dhelp file in postinst
Johan Fischer
- Bug#271409: libgail17: locale files in common package ?
Johan Fischer
- Bug#271986: epiphany-browser: /usr/bin/epiphany isn't executable
Crispin Flowerday
- Bug#274226: libbonobo2-dev: libbonbo2-dev missing some dependancies
Crispin Flowerday
- Bug#271133: Parser error when running /etc/cron.monthly/scrollkeeper
Yann Forget
- Bug#273127: gconf2: gconftool search for lock/ior in
$HOME/.gconfd whereas gconfd-2 put this into /tmp/gconfd-$USER
Serge Gavrilov
- Bug#265951: gnome-terminal: Apparently due to mldonkey-gui
Ignacy Gawedzki
- Bug#273041: gnome-cpufreq-applet: fails to notice CPU speed change
Marius Gedminas
- Bug#273041: gnome-cpufreq-applet: fails to notice CPU speed change
Marius Gedminas
- Bug#261031: nautilus features
Vytautas Germanavicius
- Bug#261031: nautilus features
Vytautas Germanavicius
- Bug#261031: nautilus features
Vytautas Germanavicius
- Bug#272061: gnome-panel: [clock applet] not seeing evolution
Miek Gieben
- Bug#272061: gnome-panel: [clock applet] not seeing evolution
Miek Gieben
- Bug#273803: libgtk2.0-dev: documentation as manual pages
Miek Gieben
- Bug#273938: gnome: "Error activating XKB configuration"
Julian Gilbey
- Bug#269403: [moz-bonobo-list] Bug#269403: mozilla-bonobo: can
only see the first page of a PDF file
Christian Glodt
- Bug#269306: gnome-panel: Downgrade to 2.6.2-1 solves the problem
Ciro Mattia Gonano
- Your order N19-47347-936395 has shipped
Roberta Gregg
- Bug#268829: balsa: adds unwanted blank line
Siward de Groot
- Bug#269787: manpage improvements ?
Siward de Groot
- Bug#269792: fails to move inbox across partition boundary
Siward de Groot
- Bug#269787: ReRe: Bug#269787: manpage improvements ?
Siward de Groot
- Bug#271751: diagnosis and severity upgrade for this bug
Steinar H. Gunderson
- Bug#271751: diagnosis and severity upgrade for this bug
Steinar H. Gunderson
- Bug#269932: dia-gnome: Dia menu entry does not conform to the
Jaap Haitsma
- Bug#273096: gedit crashes while saving
Jaap Haitsma
- Bug#273096: stacktrace output
Jaap Haitsma
- Bug#272070: totem: Totem crashes on startup if user has no audio
Wouter Hanegraaff
- Bug#273819: gksu 1.2.1-3 segfaults at startup / 1.2.1-1 is ok
Mark Hannon
- Bug#273819: gksu 1.2.1-3 segfaults at startup / 1.2.1-1 is ok
Mark Hannon
- ZybaHn No Perscriqption
Geraldine Hansen
- Payment N475210075
Michelle Hansen
- Bug#270904: gnome depends on gnome-office
Thorsten Haude
- Bug#270904: gnome depends on gnome-office
Thorsten Haude
- Bug#270904: gnome depends on gnome-office
Thorsten Haude
- Bug#272421: loudmouth: does not work on amd64
Tollef Fog Heen
- =?iso-8859-1?Q?Push-Dienst:_Neuer_Informationsservice_f=FCr_Journalisten-?=
Thorsten Heide
- Bug#270466: gdm: not all sessions show up in the gui
Wouter Van Hemel
- Bug#271765: gnome crashes - hardware freeze
John D. Hendrickson
- Bug#269543: dia seems unable to export dashed lines
Mark Hepburn
- Bug#271405: complains about being unable to start task bar icon
on fresh sarge install
Joey Hess
- Bug#271405: complains about being unable to start task bar icon
on fresh sarge install
Joey Hess
- Bug#272166: vulnerable to holes fixed by DSA-549-1
Joey Hess
- Bug#271751: diagnosis and severity upgrade for this bug
Joey Hess
- Bug#271751: diagnosis and severity upgrade for this bug
Joey Hess
- Bug#271751: diagnosis and severity upgrade for this bug
Joey Hess
- Bug#271751: patch
Joey Hess
- Bug#271751: patch
Joey Hess
- Bug#271197: libgail17: libgailutil.so.17 is missing
Daniel Holbach
- Bug#271859: service admin touches all rc symlinks
Thomas Hood
- Bug#271859: gnome-system-tools whole boot sequence without asking
Thomas Hood
- Bug#271876: Please split the package up into its component modules
Thomas Hood
- Bug#268334: Also happens when adding an interface
Thomas Hood
- Bug#268337: Also happens when adding an interface
Thomas Hood
- Bug#271859: service admin reorders whole boot sequence without asking
Thomas Hood
- Bug#271859: service admin reorders whole boot sequence without asking
Thomas Hood
- Bug#272805: Left hand mouse mutilated
Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers
- Bug#240211: metacity: this is a missing dependency!
Alexis Huxley
- Bug#269490: nautilus: Drag and drop from browser addressbar to
desktop broken
Teemu Ikonen
- Bug#253519: Open link works
Teemu Ikonen
- Bug#272095: Metacity fail to install because it can't find
Marco Innocenti
- gconf2 override disparity
Debian Installer
- gnome-keyring_0.2.1-3_powerpc.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- libwnck_2.7.92-1_mips.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- gnome-games override disparity
Debian Installer
- pango1.0_1.5.2-1_hppa.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- gnome-themes_2.8.0-1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- gnome-netstatus_2.7.90-1_sparc.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- rhythmbox_0.8.6-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- metacity_2.8.5-1_mips.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- gnome-cups-manager_0.25-1_m68k.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- libcroco_0.6.0-2_hurd-i386.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- libgtop2_2.6.0-4_hurd-i386.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- rhythmbox_0.8.7-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- Bug#270323: bonobo-activation-server.1.gz: grammar
Dan Jacobson
- Bug#274032: gdm: Sound executable should take option switches too
Jim W. Jaszewski
- Monthly Invoice N035-734694
Brooke Jean
- Bug#272339: libatspi1.0-0: why does package depend on self?
Ross Johnson
- Bug#269510: mergeant: Please use gcrypt11/gnutls11 instead of
Tuomas Jormola
- Bug#269779: gtranslator: Plural window lakes the OK button
Lior Kaplan
- Bug#274236: totem-xine: Area around video is white and not black
with XVideo and ATI driver
Timo Karhu
- Bug#271044: glade-gnome: Crash on saving glade file
Jesse van den Kieboom
- Bug#251841: rhythmbox: Crash backtrace
Jesse van den Kieboom
- Bug#268753: nautilus: Nautilus hanging on start
Gavin Kinsey
- Bug#268753: nautilus: Fixed
Gavin Kinsey
- Bug#270810: capplets: gnome-keyboard-properties does not load us_intl
Stefan Kluth
- Bug#271111: Fails to start; libart assertion fails
Ilya Konstantinov
- Bug#274033: pango: selecting proportional font for GTK results in
'size 0' errors
Kimiko Koopman
- Bug#273499: gnome-splash.png
Adam Koszela
- Bug#273764: empty menus displayed
Matt Kraai
- Bug#273764: empty menus gone in next session
Matt Kraai
- Bug#246251: bug fixed?
Kilian Krause
- Bug#270242: contact-lookup-applet: Multiple addressbook sources
Riccardo Lancellotti
- Bug#271849: gedit: Should remember spell cheching options
Riccardo Lancellotti
- Bug#273611: libgtksourceview-common: missing TCL language definition
Riccardo Lancellotti
- Bug#231915: gnome-common: gnome-autogen.sh requires automake 1.4
Steve Langasek
- Bug#271859: service admin reorders whole boot sequence without asking
Steve Langasek
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Steve Langasek
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Steve Langasek
- Bug#271859: service admin reorders whole boot sequence without asking
Steve Langasek
- Bug#269787: manpage improvements ?
Andrew Lau
- Accepted mozilla-bonobo 0.4.1-3 (i386 source)
Andrew Lau
- Bug#272189: balsa: gmime + multipart/signed problems
Andrew Lau
- Bug#272054: libgtk2.0-0: Option GTK_CALENDAR_WEEK_START_MONDAY is
ignored, despite documentation.
Eric Lavarde
- Bug#273772: Programs can't connect to gnome-session
Jacob Lee
- Bug#273772: Programs can't connect to gnome-session
Jacob Lee
- Bug#271137: libgtkhtml2-0: crash when click some link in gnochm
Carlos Z.F. Liu
- Bug#272694: gossip: Window grows while typing in group chat.
Ken Long
- Lottery, Congratulation You've Won $500,000.00 !!
Euro-Afro Asian Sweepstakestake Lottery
- Lottery, Congratulation You've Won $500,000.00 !!
Euro-Afro Asian Sweepstakestake Lottery
- Bug#269868: dia: segfault on export to Cairo PS
Ryan Lovett
- Bug#273336: gnome-control-center: control-center/acme is trying
to open /dev/pmu even on powerpc subarches who don't have a pmu device
Sven Luther
- Emacs Crashes
Peter Lutz
- Accepted gnome-vfs2 2.8.0-1 (i386 source)
Jordi Mallach
- Accepted metacity 1:2.8.5-1 (i386 source)
Jordi Mallach
- Accepted gnome-keyring 0.4.0-1 (i386 source)
Jordi Mallach
- Bug#271765: gnome crashes - hardware freeze
Jordi Mallach
- Accepted epiphany-browser 1.4.0-1 (i386 source all)
Jordi Mallach
- Accepted gnome-common 2.4.0-3 (all source)
Jordi Mallach
- Bug#272922: gnome-desktop-environment: Please add mozilla-firefox
as third browser alternative
Jordi Mallach
- Accepted epiphany-browser 1.4.0-2 (i386 source all)
Jordi Mallach
- Fixed in upload of epiphany-browser 1.4.0-2 to experimental
Jordi Mallach
- Bug#247724: Confirmation of bug
Jordi Mallach
- Accepted meta-gnome2 59 (all source)
Jordi Mallach
- Bug#272315: nautilus: access denied when accessing webdav share
Carlos Perello Marin
- Bug#272478: libglib2.0-0: Shouldn't require to set
Laurent Martelli
- Bug#272478: libglib2.0-0: Shouldn't require to set
Laurent Martelli
- Bug#272478: libglib2.0-0: Shouldn't require to set
Laurent Martelli
- Bug#272917: gnome-terminal: context menu for the tabs would be great
Simon Martin
- who could show themselves
Paula M. Mayberry
- Bug#270828: epiphany-browser: titles in <a> shown not correctly
Francesca Mazzoni
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Guillaume Melquiond
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Guillaume Melquiond
- Bug#268326: gedit: since GTK 2.4.9-1, dies on Open File
Guillaume Melquiond
- Bug#205198: nautilus: Spaces in file names passed to MGT are not
Mike Mestnik
- Secret Of Sudan
Prince.Oliver Metsu
- Bug#272722: FTBFS on kfreebsd-gnu
Robert Millan
- Bug#272773: FTBFS on kfreebsd-gnu
Robert Millan
- Bug#272896: gnome-jabber: A misplaced "sad" emoticon in start of
Aleksander Kamil Modzelewski
- RE
Rasheed Mohammed
- Bug#272444: gnome-themes-extras: gtk1 version of Nuvola depends
on gtk-engines-smooth also
Luis Mondesi
- Bug#265364: mergeant: Can't select any database in connect dialogue
Gustavo R. Montesino
- Bug#263680: *ping* ?
Gustavo R. Montesino
- Bug#263680: *ping* ?
Gustavo R. Montesino
- Bug#273723: gtetrinet: unhelpful connection establishing error
Marcel Moreaux
- Bug#242150: Sarge release
Sam Morris
- Bug#270866: scrollkeeper: Scrollkeeper postinst (?) fails
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#271571: gnome: Gnome displays "Could not start the printer
tray icon..." error dialog soon after startup.
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#271765: gnome crashes - hardware freeze
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#261031: nautilus features
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#272478: libglib2.0-0: Shouldn't require to set
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#272544: libbonobo2-common: bonobo-activation-server does not
exit at end of session
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#272478: libglib2.0-0: Shouldn't require to set
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#267121: gnome-control-center: this is an unspecified
prerequisite for GNOME2
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#271567: gnome-session: gksu programs block the session startup
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#271691: gnome-session doesn't start gdesklets 0.30
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#271691: sorry
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#273772: Programs can't connect to gnome-session
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#273819: gksu 1.2.1-3 segfaults at startup / 1.2.1-1 is ok
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#271567: gnome-session: gksu programs block the session startup
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#261031: nautilus features
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#261031: nautilus features
Josselin Mouette
- Bug#269335: epiphany-browser: epiphany crashes reproducably on
Andreas Neudecker
- Bug#270105: libgnome2-0: Default button focused but not reachable
with [Enter]
Andreas Neudecker
- Bug#272014: gnome-jabber: Tooltip information about priority is
Chris Niekel
- Bug#270826: /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default doesn't work with samba
"winbind use default domain = Yes" option
Conor Oreilly
- Bug#273917: nautilus should register itself as a handler for
Michael P
- Bug#258794:
Emmanuel Pacaud
- Bug#258794:
Emmanuel Pacaud
- Bug#267993: gdesklets: Status of new version?
Brian Pack
- Bug#272898: gnomemeeting: Removal of server listing causes crash
Brian Pack
- Bug#272070: totem: Crashes whenever audio cannot be opened
Jim Paris
- Bug#269218: dia: Bad rendering of vera fonts
Simone Piccardi
- Bug#273894: operating system list missing
Marcos Pinto
- Bug#273894: operating system list missing
Marcos Pinto
- Bug#270485: libgksu1.2-0: contains several buffer overflows
Martin Pitt
- Bug#274265: gnome-applets: Windows in 2nd monitor disappear from
window list applet
S. Porth
- Bug#274265: gnome-applets: Windows in 2nd monitor disappear from
window list applet
S. Porth
- Bug#272792: gnome-panel: wnck-applet errors out when trying to
change preferences
Igor Pruchanskiy
- Bug#272919: rhythmbox does not build with libgnomeui out of experimental
Igor Pruchanskiy
- Bug#270866: scrollkeeper: Scrollkeeper postinst (?) fails
Justin Pryzby
- Bug#268326: libgtk2.0-0: also makes Rhythmbox crash when trying
to import a folder to the Library
Martin-Ãric Racine
- Bug#273883: gossip: Missing manpage
Florian Ragwitz
- Bug#262080: Distribution detection still doesn't work
- Accepted gail 1.6.6-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gnome-desktop 2.7.92-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gail 1.6.6-2 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted glade-2 2.6.0-8 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gconf-editor 2.7.92-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted bug-buddy 2.7.92-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted atk1.0 1.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gail 1.7.1-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted at-spi 1.5.4-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gok 0.11.8-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gail 1.7.1-2 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Fixed in upload of gail 1.7.1-2 to experimental
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted atk1.0 1.8.0-2 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Fixed in upload of atk1.0 1.8.0-2 to experimental
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted bug-buddy 2.8.0-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gedit 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Fixed in upload of gedit 2.8.0-1 to experimental
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gconf-editor 2.8.0-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libgnome 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libgnomeui 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libgnomeprint 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libgnomeprintui 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted yelp 2.6.3-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libwnck 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted at-spi 1.6.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gconf2 2.8.0-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted file-roller 2.8.0-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gail 1.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted pango1.0 1.6.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libbonobo 2.8.0-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libbonoboui 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gnome-games 1:2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gnome-desktop 2.8.0-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libgnomeprint 2.8.0-2 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted at-spi 1.6.0-2 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted bug-buddy 2.6.1-4 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted gnome-vfs2 2.8.1-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libgnomeprint 2.8.0-3 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libwnck (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted file-roller 2.8.1-1 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted glib2.0 2.4.6-3 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted devhelp 0.9.2-1 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted atk1.0 1.6.1-4 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted pango1.0 1.4.1-3 (i386 source all)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libbonobo 2.6.2-7 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Accepted libbonobo 2.8.0-2 (i386 source)
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Fixed in upload of libbonobo 2.8.0-2 to experimental
J.H.M. Dassen Ray
- Bug#269608: Rhythmbox fails on gnomevfssrc
Scott Raynel
- Bug#271414: gossip: Change password.
Scott Robinson
- Bug#272559: Suggestion: Depend on pan | evolution (>= 2.0)
Johannes Rohr
- Bug#272922: gnome-desktop-environment: Please add mozilla-firefox
as third browser alternative
Johannes Rohr
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Alexander Sack
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Alexander Sack
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Alexander Sack
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Alexander Sack
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Alexander Sack
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Alexander Sack
- Bug#272358: preferred-application config dialog crashes on startup
Alexander Sack
- Bug#268782: Fixed upstream
Renaud Saint-Gratien
- Bug#273061: gnome: Gnome file dialog got unusable with keyboard
Markus Schaber
- Bug#273061: gnome: Gnome file dialog got unusable with keyboard
Markus Schaber
- Bug#270687: gedit: Window manager warns about XSetInputFocus
Florian Schlichting
- Bug#272068: gnome-terminal: feature request: colored tab titles
Admar Schoonen
- Bug#272683: libgnomevfs2-0: [sparc] file monitoring doesn't work
Admar Schoonen
- Bug#272683: simple test program
Admar Schoonen
- Bug#270195: gnome-applets: battstat-applet doesn't close sockets
Erich Schubert
- Bug#270911: gnome-system-tools: Become root with non-us-ascii
password fails
Nikolaus Schulz
- Accepted gtk+2.0 2.0.2-5woody2 (i386 source all)
Martin Schulze
- Bug#273956: nautilus crashes on startup
Eric Schwartz
- Bug#272315: nautilus: access denied when accessing webdav share
Sebastian Seifert
- Bug#272315: upstream
Sebastian Seifert
- Bug#272315: nautilus: access denied when accessing webdav share
Sebastian Seifert
- Bug#273201: gnome-themes: does not depend on gtk2-engines-glider
Daniel Serpell
- Bug#273321: libgksuui: Posible internationalization issue related
with mo files and UTF-8
Francisco Javier F. Serrador
- order N62214
Jenna Sheets
- Accepted libgksuui1.0 1.0.2-1 (i386 source)
Gustavo Noronha Silva
- Accepted libgksu1.2 1.2.4-1 (i386 source)
Gustavo Noronha Silva
- Accepted gksu 1.2.1-2 (i386 source all)
Gustavo Noronha Silva
- Accepted gksu 1.2.1-3 (i386 source all)
Gustavo Noronha Silva
- Bug#271751: patch
Gustavo Noronha Silva
- Bug#267288: Fixed in upload of gedit 2.7.92-1 to experimental
Sjoerd Simons
- Bug#267288: Fixed in upload of gedit 2.7.92-1 to experimental
Sjoerd Simons
- Bug#267431: gnome-cups-manager: gnome-cups-add crashes
Sjoerd Simons
- Bug#272407: rhythmbox: Still getting the dreaded application/x-id3 message
Brett Smith
- Bug#267949: I've decided to block balsa-2.2.3 from Debian testing
Miquel van Smoorenburg
- Accepted gnome-system-tools 0.92.0-1 (i386 source all)
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Bug#272898: gnomemeeting: Removal of server listing causes crash
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Bug#271859: service admin reorders whole boot sequence without asking
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Accepted gnome-system-tools 1.0.0-1 (i386 source all)
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Bug#271859: service admin reorders whole boot sequence without asking
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Bug#273894: operating system list missing
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Accepted gnome2-user-docs (all source)
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Accepted gnomemeeting 1.1.3cvs20040929-1 (i386 source)
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Fixed in upload of gnomemeeting 1.1.3cvs20040929-1 to experimental
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
- Bug#270222: Use update-alternatives facility (totem patch)
Emil Soleyman-Zomalan
- Bug#270222: Use update-alternatives facility (totem patch)
Emil Soleyman-Zomalan
- Bug#266083: capplets: Volume change -> SegFault
Endel Soolo
- Bug#272743: libgnomecups1.0-1: libgnomecups causing segfaults
Joop Stakenborg
- Bug#272885: Subject: gnome-panel: Click repeat rate in calendar
view for clock applet is too fast
David Stanaway
- Bug#269868: dia: segfault on export to Cairo PS
Roland Stigge
- Bug#272337: Dia forgets options
Roland Stigge
- Accepted dia 0.94.0-2 (i386 source all)
Roland Stigge
- Bug#272337: Dia forgets options
Roland Stigge
- (no subject)
- Bug#262487: gnome-panel: run in terminal not working
James D Strandboge
- Bug#271582: epiphany-browser: Please, don't make it depend of
- Bug#269403: marked as done (mozilla-bonobo: can only see the
first page of a PDF file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#167927: marked as done (gnome-terminal eats memory like it
was its job)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#269335: marked as done (epiphany-browser: epiphany crashes
reproducably on www.arachnoid.com)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#268829: marked as done (balsa: adds unwanted blank line)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#255030: marked as done (dia segfaults opening files created
by older version)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#219767: marked as done (gail: wrong FPI in gail-libgail-util-docs.sgml)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#267699: marked as done (gail: New upstream version availabe)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#225732: marked as done (glade-gnome-2: Accesses network
during installation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#223230: marked as done (glade-doc-2: problems in XML doc)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#256026: marked as done (libgksuui1.0-dev - gksu_ask_password
can not be used in C++ code)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#263291: marked as done (New Catalan translation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#226186: marked as done (few minor errors during apt-get
upgrade - see log attached)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#255553: marked as done (Subject: shared-mime-info: glade file
misdetected as "XML document")
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#257936: marked as done (glade-2: (patch) Translation problem
in french for '_View' menu)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270130: marked as done (glade-doc-2: Cannot read documentation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#222974: marked as done (glade-2: Documentation only in source
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270373: marked as done (gdm should depend on xterm (not in
alternative group))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270466: marked as done (gdm: not all sessions show up in the gui)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270192: marked as done (gail_1.6.6-2(hppa/unstable): FTBFS:
requires files outside of build tree.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270485: marked as done (libgksu1.2-0: contains several buffer
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#233029: marked as done (startup crashes with '(bug-buddy:21138):
CRITICAL **: file bug-buddy.c: line 287...' error)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#245113: marked as done (bug-buddy: Window width is too wide)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#246651: marked as done (bug-buddy takes very long to start up)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270443: marked as done (librsvg2-common: unable to upgrade to
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#268984: marked as done (epiphany-browser: Web search not
working after pasting search word(s) to address field)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#237485: marked as done (gnome-system-tools: menu entries in
gnome are broken)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#254483: marked as done (gnome-system-tools: Menu organization)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#259505: marked as done (gnomemeeting_1.0.2-3(hppa/unstable):
FTBFS: undefined references)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#263139: marked as done (gnomemeeting_1.0.2-4_hppa: FTBFS:
undefined reference)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270904: marked as done (gnome depends on gnome-office)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#271197: marked as done (libgail17: libgailutil.so.17 is missing)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#271254: marked as done (libatk1.0-doc: cannot create dhelp
file in postinst script)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#267288: marked as done (FTBS 01_relibtoolise.dpatch fails)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#257857: marked as done (gnome-applets/drivemount_applet2
eject vs umount)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#240450: marked as done (gnome-applets: mini_commander_applet
macro defaults should be Debian alt.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#236502: marked as done (Error activating XKB configuration.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#78476: marked as done (please avoid C++ keywords in header files)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#267431: marked as done (crashes on adding new printer)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#269289: marked as done (gnome-cups-manager: new upstream
release (0.24))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#267564: marked as done (nautilus: fails to start)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#271948: marked as done (Always sees ICQ contacts offline on
jabber.linux.it + icq.jabber.linux.it)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#182817: marked as done (When using gnomemeeting and
netmeeting together video protocol breaks.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#243493: marked as done (gnome-cups-manager: fails adding a
new printer)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#243663: marked as done (gnome-cups-manager: I can't add a
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#253519: marked as done (gnome-terminal: OpenLink feature does
not work anymore)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270222: marked as done (Use update-alternatives facility
(totem patch))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270985: marked as done (totem should depend on
totem-gstreamer as well)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#272166: marked as done (vulnerable to holes fixed by DSA-549-1)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#272095: marked as done (Metacity fail to install because it
can't find /etc/gconf/schemas/metacity.schemas)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#231915: marked as done (gnome-common: gnome-autogen.sh
requires automake 1.4)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#269543: marked as done (dia seems unable to export dashed lines)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#269868: marked as done (dia: segfault on export to Cairo PS)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#266169: marked as done (=?iso-8859-15?q?can=27t_start_gnome-session_in_normal_user=2E=0D=0A=28=2E=2E?=
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#246625: marked as forwarded (gdm-themes: Some themes with
face browser would be appreciated)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#271301: marked as done (gksu: bad handling of command line
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#266442: marked as done (FTBFS: uses GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#272743: marked as done (libgnomecups1.0-1: libgnomecups
causing segfaults)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#272816: marked as done (Dependencies not satisfiable in sid)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#272919: marked as done (rhythmbox does not build with libgnomeui out of experimental)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#272965: marked as done (gksu: Current version uninstallable)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#235175: marked as done (nautilus: crash when editing file
with gvim)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#235201: marked as done (nautilus: the file icon disappear
when you modify the file with gvim)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#261031: marked as done (nautilus: Please backport
always_use_browser preference option from 2.7.2 for Sarge)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#262187: marked as done (nautilus: File Browser vs. Folder
Viewer in "View as"?)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#254069: marked as done (ttf-bangla-fonts: Remove characters
U+200C (ZWNJ) and U+200D (ZWJ))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#188425: marked as done (gnome-system-tools: runlevel tool
thinks all services are sort order 99)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#271859: marked as done (service admin reorders whole boot
sequence without asking)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#271765: marked as done (gnome crashes - hardware freeze)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#272922: marked as done (gnome-desktop-environment: Please add
mozilla-firefox as third browser alternative)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#273633: marked as done (gnomemeeting: No usable audio manager
detected (#264805))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#148138: marked as done (GConf schemas should not be a conf file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#266083: marked as done (capplets: Volume up/down takes 100%
CPU and does nothing)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#274053: marked as done (libglib2.0-udeb: not built on
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#274091: marked as done (libatk1.0-udeb: not built on
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#274092: marked as done (libpango1.0-udeb: not built on
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#272852: marked as done (totem: can't fulfill the build
dependencies in sarge)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#274226: marked as done (libbonobo2-dev: libbonbo2-dev missing
some dependancies)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- Bug#269929: gnome-applets: gnome keyboard indicator can't switch
to any hungarian layout
Szerb Tamas
- Bug#270985: totem should depend on totem-gstreamer as well
Magnus Therning
- Bug#273416: gnome-panel: clock-applet drop-down calender to be
flexible in week order
Andrej Timchenko
- Bug#272730: gnome-system-tools: [gnome-system-log] add gksu in
menu entries
Alexandre Touret
- Bug#272237: gnome-cups-manager: Should follow GNOME
click-to-activate settings
Stephen Touset
- Bug#266083: capplets: Volume up/down takes 100% CPU and does nothing
- Bug#266083: capplets: Volume up/down takes 100% CPU and does nothing
- Bug#270754: gnome-applets: certain applets fail to load into
Vladimir G. Troitsky
- Bug#273429: modemlights: incorrect connected time in tooltip
Manan Tuli
- Bug#272184: nautilus-cd-burner: hangs 100% CPU when /tmp gets full
Charles Twardy
- Bug#263680: *ping* ?
Matthias Urlichs
- Bug#263680: *ping* ?
Matthias Urlichs
- Bug#263680: *ping* ?
Matthias Urlichs
- Bug#272564: Gtk2-engines-industrial has Gigantic Icons
Rene Valois
- Bug#271081: gnome-panel: Needless repetition of error message
Jeroen T. Vermeulen
- Bug#271082: gnome-panel: Graceful handling of X crash
Jeroen T. Vermeulen
- Bug#265110: More on the "open" crash
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?S=E9bastien?= Villemot
- Bug#269429: sound volume key shortcuts crash gnome-settings-daemon
Kotrla Vitezslav
- Bug#272133: gksu: better error message if password is wrong
Michael Vogt
- Bug#272225: libglade2-dev: please install information into
Jochen Voss
- Bug#272226: gconf2: please install documentation into /usr/share/doc/
Jochen Voss
- Bug#270547: dia: Missing pictures !
Ashar Voultoiz
- Bug#270313: gnome-applets: Can't add new layouts to to keyboard
switching applet
- Bug#269900: /usr/bin/totem: Totem logo is too big
Johan Walles
- Bug#269901: /usr/bin/totem: Playback time should optional count
down rather than up
Johan Walles
- Bug#269910: /usr/bin/totem: Sound visualizations don't work
Johan Walles
- Bug#274053: libglib2.0-udeb: not built on autobuilders
Colin Watson
- Bug#274091: libatk1.0-udeb: not built on autobuilders
Colin Watson
- Bug#274092: libpango1.0-udeb: not built on autobuilders
Colin Watson
- Du jamais vu - Nooit gezien
World Way
- Bug#272263: totem: asf/wmv could not be played
Kai Weber
- Bug#272263: totem: asf/wmv could not be played
Kai Weber
- Bug#273341: nautilus-cd-burner: Cannot remove file from burn:///
Russel Winder
- Bug#270130: glade-doc-2: Cannot read documentation
Bill Wohler
- Bug#270131: glade-doc-2: Add Help > Manual menu item to view docs
Bill Wohler
- Bug#270130: glade-doc-2: Cannot read documentation
Bill Wohler
- Bug#269892: glade-doc-2: bad XML comment
Stuart A Yeates
- Bug#231915: Also affects gnome-macros
Matt Zimmerman
- Bug#271948: Always sees ICQ contacts offline on jabber.linux.it +
Enrico Zini
- Bug#259505: Should be fixed by new binutils
Martin Zobel-Helas
- Bug#273927: epiphany-browser: bookmark editor needs option to
remove bookmark from current topic
Matijs van Zuijlen
- How one can become a terrorist?
- --------------------------CONGRATULATIONS!-----------------------
claims agents
- Bug#272544: libbonobo2-common: bonobo-activation-server does not
exit at end of session
- [Bug 144801] - Smiley face button too small?
- [Bug 131531] - Cannot drag / drop files from audio view
- [Bug 145313] - Crash on audio properties for .xm files
- [Bug 145313] - Crash on audio properties for .xm files
- [Bug 141073] - No limit on thumbnail cache - big disk space waste
- [Bug 143910] - Session management doesn't work anymore
- [Bug 143910] - Session management doesn't work anymore
- [Bug 133260] - Small mode horribly broken in sawfish
- [Bug 139753] - totem blocks while CD is being burned
- [Bug 148672] - Autohide broken on non-expanded panels
- [Bug 133260] - Small mode horribly broken in sawfish
- [Bug 151715] - Gedit Crash after opening a second tab
- [Bug 151715] - Gedit Crash after opening a second tab
- [Bug 144953] - ISO reading assumes Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions
- [Bug 144953] - ISO reading assumes Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions
- [Bug 151715] - Gedit Crash after opening a second tab
- [Bug 151715] - Gedit Crash after opening a second tab
- [Bug 151715] - Gedit Crash after opening a second tab
- [Bug 143824] - Cannot select different kanji with kinput2
- [Bug 143824] - Cannot select different kanji with kinput2
- [Bug 143822] - Unconfigurable print headers
- [Bug 143824] - Cannot select different kanji with kinput2
- [Bug 151715] - Gedit Crash after opening a second tab
- [Bug 143997] - "Add to Library" in Nautilus doesn't work when Rhythmbox isn't running
- [Bug 116693] - Automatic crash with gdialog
- [Bug 151715] - Gedit Crash after opening a second tab
- Bug#273086: holes in ogg streams cause end of playing
Marco d'Itri
- Hope to hear from you soon
- Bug#272771: Totem's TV-Out Preferences Unavailable
- Bug#270443: librsvg2-common: unable to upgrade to 2.7.2-5
sylvain ferriol
- Bug#235175: you can close this bug
picca frederic
- Bug#273196: nautilus + xfce4
picca frederic
- How one can become a terrorist?
- New ja translation of the gnome-jabber description
- Bug#270548: gnome-terminal: background changes to black
- Bug#270192: gail_1.6.6-2(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: requires files
outside of build tree.
lamont@debian.org, 270192@bugs.debian.org
- Welcome to www.dumpsmarket.ws
- Bug#272732: gnome-control-center: custom hotkeys not working
lorro@lorro.wigner.bme.hu, 272732@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#188148: I have a similar bug with data CDs and floppys
- Bug#270443: librsvg2-common: unable to upgrade to 2.7.2-5
- Bug#270443: librsvg2-common: unable to upgrade to 2.7.2-5
- Bug#271571: gnome: Gnome displays "Could not start the printer
tray icon..." error dialog soon after startup.
- Bug#272634: nautilus terminates with: undefined symbol
viktor.abrams@gamma-dv.de, 272634@bugs.debian.org
Last message date:
Fri Oct 1 01:33:17 2004
Archived on: Tue Apr 26 11:54:11 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).