Bug#243663: Same here
Manuel Bilderbeek
Manuel Bilderbeek <bilm@oce.nl>, 243663@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 07 Sep 2004 10:03:56 +0200
I'm having the same problem. A couple of months ago I could still add a
printer, but now I just get a segfault in gnome-cups-add after double
clicking on "New Printer", instead of the expected New Printer dialog.
I suggest to increase the severity of this bug!
Kind regards,
----------- Manuel Bilderbeek -----------
Oce-Technologies B.V. tel +31 77 3595039
St Urbanusweg 43 fax +31 77 3595337
NL-5900 MA Venlo home +31 24 3238923
The Netherlands e-mail bilm@oce.nl