Bug#261031: nautilus features
Vytautas Germanavicius
Vytautas Germanavicius <vytis@bonamens.com>, 261031@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 19 Sep 2004 16:53:52 +0300
I'm new in linux, not in computers. I used Nutilus, but till i made firs
update of it, because after update it became unusable from my point of
view. I had Nautilus with browser interface, and after update it lost
all it's functionality. For example, to find my favorite song, i had to
open 14 (!!!) nautilus windows <out of documents folder>/<out of my home
dir>/<out of home>/mnt/windows/c/Documents and settings/<username>/my
documents/my music/sorted/<style>/<artist>/<album>/<song>
My first impression was, that i did something wrong during update. I
thought that i downgraded program, or installed another program.
Later I found that there are alot of shortcuts to open folders, close
unused windws and etc. But why i should learn it? I newer in my life
used such interface. So i started to look for option to return previous
interface, but without success. I was totally confused.
Luckily, my friend (my linux guru :) ) showed how to change interface of
nautilus using gconf-editor. Sorry, but it's not userfriendly way.
Without of help of my friend i would never found how to fix this problem.
If it's not possible to leave previous configuration of nautilus during
upgrade, Is it possible to make option in menu to switch to browser
Thank you,
Vytautas GermanaviÄius