Bug#271625: annoying behavior of the file chooser in save mode
Damien Caliste
Damien Caliste <caliste@drfmc.ceng.cea.fr>, 271625@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 09:55:21 +0200
Package: libgtk2.0-0
Version: 2.4.9-1
There is no error reported by GTK but the new file chooser in save mode
doesn't behave as supposed. I explain myself :
- the file chooser is in save mode ;
- there are already subdirectories at the point the file chooser is open
(this is the important point since everything is normal without
- the file chooser has been created via the filechooser_dialog method
with a button which has the GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT and the dialog is raised
using the gtk_dialog_run() method.
- one types a name for the file one wants to save and push the button
that has the GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT. Then the annoying behavior appears :
pushing this button makes the filechooser change for the first subdirectory.
In fact this seems to happen because (you see it when you expand the
dialog) the first line of the subdirectories list is selected by default
and thus the dialog logicaly goes in that directory when you push the
accept button. But this is not the way it should work, I mean, I wait it
to return the name I typed and not to enter the first subdirectory I
even not know about before I expand the dialog. Note that everything is
normal if you unselect the first subdirectory before clicking on the
accept button.
I don't know if it's really a bug or a special feature. Thanks for your
good work on GTK.
PS : I don't think that informations on my system are relevant since
there is no error but just a strange functionality, thus I don't join
them. Nevertheless, if something is needed (such as a small program code
which just invoques a filechooser to test what I mean) I can add it in a
future mail.