Bug#271405: complains about being unable to start task bar icon
on fresh sarge install
Ross Burton
Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com>, 271405@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 13 Sep 2004 07:37:39 +0100
On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 21:26 -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> I've just installed sarge with the desktop task, which installs the
> gnome package and all its dependencies, including gnome-cups-manager.
> When I log in, I get an error dialog: "Could not start the printer tray
> icon, because the CUPS server could not be contacted."
This is fixed in the version in unstable (0.22-2) which, instead of
popping up a dialog, silently exits.
Excuse for gnome-cups-manager
* 35 days old (needed 10 days)
* out of date on arm: gnome-cups-manager, libgnomecupsui1.0-1,
libgnomecupsui1.0-dev (from 0.18-2)
* Not considered
This fix is really needed for Sarge as you see, can I request a more
urgent arm build somehow?
Ross Burton mail: ross@burtonini.com
jabber: ross@burtonini.com
www: http://www.burtonini.com./
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