Bug#272564: Gtk2-engines-industrial has Gigantic Icons
Rene Valois
Rene Valois <rene@localgod.net>, 272564@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 20 Sep 2004 12:36:14 -0300
Package: gtk2-engines-industrial
Selecting "Industrial" icons in the gnome theme preferences presents
gigantic icons. These big icons look cluttered, and applying emblems
causes the text to be overlapped.
The size of the folder icons also does not match the size of other icons
(e.g. - Computer, text file, trash, etc.)
They just look weird ;)
I am currently running the Gnome 2.8 experimental packages, but I also
had this problem on all the Gnome 2.6 releases.
Screenshot: http://localgod.net/~enntee/Debian/big-icons.png