Bug#271567: gnome-session: gksu programs block the session startup
Josselin Mouette
271567@bugs.debian.org, 271567@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 28 Sep 2004 17:49:24 +0200
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reassign 271567 gksu
Le lundi 13 septembre 2004 =E0 20:58 +0200, Christophe Combelles a =E9crit =
> - start: Applications -> DesktopPreferences -> Advanced -> Sessions
> - check the option "Show splash screen on login"
> - check the option "Automatically save changes to session"
> - close the session dialog
> - start synaptic
> (it should first start gksu to ask root passwd)
> - while synaptic is running, logout with Actions->logout
> - it tells that synaptic does not support saving its setup into the
> session. confirm and logout.
> - login again
> -> Synaptic has been saved in the session. So during the session startup,=
the gksu dialog box
> appears, but is hidden behind the gnome splashscreen. It is invisible
> and the session startup is blocked. Depending on the focus settings, it
> can be unblocked by hitting Enter, but you have to know it, and it is
> not always the case.
There's not much I can do within gnome-session. It seems that gksu
registers itself in the session while it shouldn't. Or at least, it
should register before asking for the password, so that it doesn't lock
the startup of other programs.
.''`. Josselin Mouette /\./\
: :' : josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `' joss@debian.org
`- Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom
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