Bug#285610: acknowledged by developer (Can't reproduce)
Calum Mackay
Calum Mackay <calum.mackay@cdmnet.org>, 285610@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 07 Apr 2005 16:25:48 +0100
Hi Stewart,
Apologies, I didn't see your earlier email.
I think perhaps you are confusing keyboard shortcuts and accelerators?
I'm talking about:
accel. shortcut
Empty Watebasket E -
Close All Folders e Ctrl-Q
As you've noted, "Empty Watebasket" has no keyboard shortcut, but they
both have an "accelerator" - the letter that is underlined in the menu -
and they conflict, since they both use 'e/E'.
the accelerator is the thing that allows me to use "alt-f-e" to empty
wastebasket, as a quick way of opening the menus. It's this that has the
The shortcut - which is not my problem - is the way to avoid the menus