Bug#257880: nautilus: Nautilus crashes when mounting smb drive
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 257880@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:17:06 +0100
Le mardi 06 juillet 2004 =E0 15:25 +0200, Manuel Bilderbeek a =E9crit :
> Package: nautilus
> Version: 2.6.3-2
> Severity: normal
> Nautilus crashed when I manually mounted a SAMBA share, while Nautilus
> just told me it failed to display the contents of the share, after just
> having tried to browse to it.
> Steps to reproduce the crash:
> 1. Mount SAMBA share via Nautilus (in my case it says: Couldn't display
> contents of it... for some reason)
> 2. Mount the SAMBA share manually (I used this: sudo smbmount
> //service/share /mnt/misc -o username=3Djoe)
> After this, Nautilus crashes.
Sorry for the delay to reply on this. Do you still get this crash with
the current nautilus/kernel versions ? That's probably not a nautilus
issue but a kernel one.
Sebastien Bacher