Bug#256649: nautilus: does not agree with file types capplet on
mime type for perl file
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 256649@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:19:29 +0100
Le lundi 28 juin 2004 =E0 11:40 +0200, Matijs van Zuijlen a =E9crit :
> Package: nautilus
> Version: 2.6.3-3
> Severity: normal
> I have a file "test.pl". Nautilus tells me there is no action associate=
> with it, and that it has the mime type application/x-perl.
> When I try to find this mime type in the "File types and programs"
> capplet, application/x-perl is not there, but text/x-perl is, with the
> expected extensions (.pl among them), and some associated actions.
Sorry for the delay to reply on this. Do you still get the issue with
the current versions ? I think that should be fixed with GNOME 2.8 and
the new mimesystem.
Sebastien Bacher