Bug#315169: gnome-session hangs for 120 seconds on login

sacrificial-spam-address@horizon.com, 315169@bugs.debian.org sacrificial-spam-address@horizon.com, 315169@bugs.debian.org
20 Jun 2005 22:28:12 -0000

Package: gnome-session
Version: 2.10.0-4

Since upgrading to 2.10.0-4, I've had a long timeout on the default
gnome login.  It hangs after with the splash screen up, after displaying
the icon and text for "metacity window manager", but I don't know if
that means that metacity is the problem, or if the next thing it
is trying to start is what's not working.

This might be related to #297937, but it's just happened recently, and
the workaround mentioned there doesn't seem to work for me.

Anyway, I straced the entire login process (available on
http://www.horizon.com/debian/strace.out.bz2) and saw a 2 minute interval
in the middle when nothing was happening, and a 120000 ms timeout to
poll() is gnome-session (/usr/bin/x-session-manager).

I don't know the protocol well enough to see if something else
is supposed to be waking up gnome-session, but it's definitely the
one that decides how long to wait.

This is a 100% stock vanilla system.  I suppose I could create a new
user just to check the absense of any configuration, but I'd like
to send this off first.

Thanks for the help tracking this down!