Bug#309530: mozilla-firefox: emacs key shortcuts not recognized
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 309530@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 20 May 2005 23:01:49 +0200
Le vendredi 20 mai 2005 =E0 13:27 -0700, Andrew Pimlott a =E9crit :
> starts, because it (seemingly) reasserts my XKB settings, overwriting
> the changes I added with xmodmap. I can see no way to turn this off.
GNOME 2.10 detects the xmodmap files and open a dialog to ask if you
want to use these settings.
> Well, since this bug is now on Gtk, I thought it might be a good
> channel.=20
What is the issue, GNOME applications using GNOME?
Sebastien Bacher